Chapter 6: The Floo Network

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Third Person POV: 

There is a made-up magical place in this story! 

Mattheo was sitting on his bed, reading a book Snow gave him before they left. It wasn't a bad book, but his mind was distracted elsewhere. Namely, on his sister and Snow. The clock in his room make consistent ticking noises. Tick, tock. Tick, tock. The boy groaned in frustration. Both at this thoughts and at the stupid ticking in the background. He stood up abruptly and quickly changed out of his nightwear into something more presentable. As he made his way downstairs, the dark halls emitted a very strong, eerie feeling. Something indescribable. 

"Morning,"  a voice rung out. Mattheo turned and found the culprit. Tyler was leaning over a table, sipping from a mug. "What's got your knickers in a twist?" 

"Tyler, for the sake of my sanity and yours, let's skip over the terrible small talk between us." If Mattheo's words affected Tyler in any way, he didn't snow. He just rose his eyebrows and went back to his mug. "I'll be heading out. If anyone asks where I am, tell them I'm in Diagon Alley." The other boy hummed in response and Mattheo headed out. The Malfoy Manor had many floo networks around the outside where he could easily make it to where he really wanted to go. However, the death eaters kept watch on the networks surrounding the house, so it looked like he would have to go the long way. 

He slowly approached one of the floo networks, a bag of floo powder in his hands. A death eater, who was guarding the post, looked him dead in the eye. "Where are you going?" 

"Diagon Alley," Mattheo simply stated. His voice didn't waver. His sternness shone through. The death eater looked him up and down, and stared at him directly into his eyes, as if trying to read him. "Are you done with your mindless observation?" The mindless death eater cleared his throat and nodded, standing to the side. The teenager rolled his eyes and stood inside the post. He grabbed a small amount of floo powder in his hand and stuffed the rest of the bag in his pocket. "Diagon Alley!" 

When he next opened his eyes, probably only a mere 3 seconds later, he was laying pathetically on the floor. He groaned in pain and stood up, brushing of the dust from his clothes. A few passerbys saw him, and immediately their eyes widened in fear. Not like the innocent citizens could say much really. He was a student, at Hogwarts of all places. He was protected. 

"Odd seeing you here," a familiar voice said. He turned around, and saw the familiar Slytherin. 


"And what are you doing here, in Diagon Alley?" She stepped a little closer and settled down next to Mattheo. "It's a bit early for school shopping, isn't it?" 

"I needed a break from the house." 

"A break? From your own home?" She snickered and sipped her drink, the odd smile still on her face. Mattheo had no response and just stood still, praying she'd leave soon. He couldn't risk being followed. "You know, you're real lucky, Mattheo." 

Mattheo scoffed at her ignorance. Him? Lucky? "I fail to see how." 

"You live with your father. And your father happens to be one of the most powerful beings in the world, and yet you don't see the privilege you have. Many of the Lord's followers would kill to be even in the same room as him." 

"Well they kill anyways, so..." 

She groans in frustration and slams her drink on the table. "Stop being a big baby. Your a Riddle, it's time you act like one instead of being a soft, like a fucking muggle." She picked up her drink again, but put it down. Her face revealed the many words she wanted to say. "And you know what, you get the to the date girl you love. You get to date your father's enemy without his knowing. And his followers who sleep on the same floor as you and are with you day and night are too scared to tell your father a THING! That is the power you have." 

"Did you ever think, Pansy, that I don't want any of this? I don't want violence, I don't want people to be afraid of me because of my last name?" She shook her head, a disappointed smile on her face. 

"I bid you well in whatever you're here to do. And we both know it's not to get out of the house." She stands up and disappears with the crowd. 

"Five minutes of my life I'll never get back," he muttered under his breath. Though, deep inside his brain, he knew her words were true. He couldn't risk going through the same floo network post, and so therefore he promptly made it to the one on the other side of the alley. Luckily it was in the opposite direction Pansy traveled in. He kept receiving glares, angry and scared alike, every few minutes. But he paid no heed, he was used to it by now. 

"Welcome, sir," a man greeted. He gestured to an empty post, to which Mattheo promptly made his way too. "We now have new regulations for private networks like this one, Mr.Riddle. Please fill out this form and it will be sent to the registry." 

He looked at the man suspiciously, but nonetheless, filled it out.  It asked for his full name and destination, and that was about it. He made it to the post and pulled out some of his floo powder. "Jackturn Alley!" 

He opened his eyes, and was greeted by a dark night sky. There was an 8 hour time difference between the UK and his destination. In the UK it was 10:00 AM, whereas here, it was 6 PM. When he exited the magical part of his location, he was greeted by a yellow and blue sign. 

Welcome to California! 

"Here I come Snow," he lightly whispered. 

A POTENTIAL double update is coming Thursday so stay tuned for that! 

Who do you think sent the letter to Snow from the previous chapter? 

Word Count: 1036

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