Chapter 2: Sky

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TW: Mentions of relapse

Sky's POV: 

I was sitting at my desk, tapping my pen to the piece of paper. Ever since I found out that magic was real, I've been doing research, and by research I mean bombarding Snow with 10 million questions. Well, not anymore, she needs her time. She's back at the apartment until her 6th year starts again. I've tried talking to her, but she's just not Snow anymore. I'd never seen her like this, not even when her friend died. I guess it's different because it's a family member, but it's just not it. I remember her telling me about her time in the states. Can you imagine, America of all places, having a wizardry school? Even saying the name disgusts me. Alright, I'll say it. 


Gross, even the name is disgusting. 

A.N. : No hate to any Tyler's out there I'm sure you guys aren't assholes like Tyler :)) 

But the abuse Tyler and his father did to Snow absolutely disgusts me. And here's the thing; in about the 6 months I got to know Snow, she's the kind of person to push emotions down. Like at the funeral, she didn't cry, not one bit, and she is in no way an emotionless person, she just doesn't want to be perceived as weak. And that's why I'm worried. I'm worried that years of suppressing all that trauma she got from her parents death, Tyler and his father, Loren, Voldemort, all of that, I'm worried is being resurfaced because of the death of Sirius. And I'm worried that this relapse isn't going to be pretty. I'm worried it will be a mess of every problem she's ever faced. I only hope she will let the people who love and care about her be there for her. 

I'm now waiting for the arrival of his younger sister, Adalie Riddle. I've heard she's 10 years old. I know she wasn't in the best home situation, so hopefully if I save enough money,  I can get her some support. For now, until I graduate my last year of high school and go to UC Berkeley, I'm relying on my job as a barista and my computer science internship to get me going. Ever since getting emancipated at the age of 16, about a year ago, things have been much smoother compared to when living with my sorry excuse of a mother. She was supposed to arrive at ten in the morning, and it is now 10:15 AM. I don't want to sound paranoid, but I hope nothing bad happened. My train of thoughts are interrupted when I hear knocking at my front door. I quickly rush and open the door. I see Nymphadora Tonks, who I was introduced to earlier, along with a young girl, who I assume to be Adalie. She has a small black bag, and that's about it. 

"Lovely to see you again!" Tonks says. She greets me with a comforting hug before gently ushering Adalie in. "Adalie, this is Sky. You'll be with him for a while." She looked up at Tonks and just nodded. Something in her eyes broke me. She was, after all, only a child, but already her skin was scattered with scars and bruises, her big, brown eyes showed how quickly she was forced to mature and the innocence that was stripped away from her. "Well... I should get going. Take care, Adalie." She left, gently closing the door behind her. 

It was awkward for a moment while she looked around, she was likely taking everything in. "So.... uhm, my name's Sky! What's yours?" 

"Weren't you already told or is your memory so bad that you forgot?" She said this in such a soft voice that I almost jumped in shock. I was not expecting that reply. 

"Uh- sorry, I just don't know how else to start a conversation. Adalie!" I put emphasis on the name. "I will show you to your room." 

"Thank you." 

Well, at least she has manners. There were only two bedrooms in the apartment, the second one was usually a guest one. "This is it. I know this is putting a REALLY bad impression on me, but I have to go finish some work.. It'll only take an hour, and then we can do something." 

She looks away from the room and looks up at me, and for the first time I see her smile. "At least you're doing something productive. Thanks for taking me in." She goes and sets down all her stuff next to the bed. "You don't mind if I get a couple hours of sleep. I was awake the entire night." 

"Yeah. Yeah, go for it. I'll have food or something later. You don't have allergies, right?" 

She shook her head, no, before disappearing underneath the covers. Well that was awkward. I softly close the door. I go into the kitchen and make myself a quick breakfast since I didn't have time to eat since morning. My phone started ringing and I was shocked to see Snow's contact on it. I immediately answered. 


"Hey Sky," I heard a soft voice on the other end. I never thought someone's voice could sound so unlike themself. 

"Hey. Hey, how're you doing?" 


I give a small chuckle at her blunt response. "You're right, stupid question." 

"Did Adalie get there?" 

"Yeah, she's sleeping right now." 

I hear her shifting around and sniffing through her nose. "Let me know if you need any help, yeah Sky?" 

"You're the one I should be asking that. Seriously, I've been so worried about you!" 

"I'll be fine, I just need time." 

"Have you owled Mattheo." 


"You should." 

"I will." 

Her answers get more and more choppy as the call goes on. I have a feeling she too needs sleep. "We can talk later. Get some sleep Snow." 

"Yeah. Bye Sky." 

I sigh in frustration and I go back to my table to finish sending a few emails, and to work out a new budget plan. 

Hi! Act 2 is gonna contain more POVs of other characters! BTW, Chapter 1 was from Adalie's perspective. What do you think of this chapter? 

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