Chapter 32: Sky to the rescue

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When we reach to our dorms, I set Ginny down against the bed. I lightly grip her shoulders and get her to look at me. 

"Are you ok?" She sniffed and nodded. 

"Why'd you give him the letter Snow? Why!" I gave a one puffed laugh. 

"It was a fake Ginny. He won't know it because his stupid pea brain can't comprehend that. It's safe with me. Don't worry," I smiled at her, glad I was smart enough to not give the real letter. She gave a small smile and I put her up on the bed. I run my hand through her hair. "How're you feeling?" 

"Fine I guess. Just- out of it. Can I please just go to sleep?" 

I nod. "Yeah, of course, but you should probably shower and change first." I gently help her get out of the bed and give her privacy to shower and change and then get her back in bed. I conjure a water bottle next to her bedside in case she needs it. I stand up and she grips my hand. She seemed very sleepy. "Please don't go, I don't want him to come again." 

My heart broke. "I'm not going anywhere, I'll be here until you sleep," I softly coo. She hums as her eyes close and she goes into a deep slumber.

I notice an owl flying in with a letter in her talons. I'm confused for a second until I realize.... I go over and pluck the letter and sigh of relief when I see it's from Sky.  I get up and hurry over to Hermione's dorm. "Look, Hermione, I need you to watch over Ginny for a bit. Just don't leave her!" 

She immediately follows me to her room. "I will, but would you please explain?" 

"Tyler. He found out I stole something he was supposed to receive long ago. When I refused to give it to him, he took Ginny. I gave him a fake version of the letter, so don't worry. She's just really burned out, but I don't think she's injured. Just... PLEASE! Take care of her?" 

I can see the horror on her face but she just nods to hide it. I smile and begin rushing over to Mattheo's dorm. 

I barge into his dorm and he doesn't even have time to react before I shove the letter in his arms. I can barely contain my excitement as I say, "READ IT! READ IT!" 

He looks at me in confusion before looking down at the letter. Immediately his face brightens up. "You and your friend are fucking amazing!" 

"Yeah! I know, he's one of the only things I miss about the muggle world if I'm being honest! He can take care of Adalie. All you need to do is get her out of the Malfoy Manor. I'll develop a plan with him and inform you every step of the way." I hug him, unable to contain the smile on my face. 

"Sky to the rescue," he mumbles. 

I look at him and smile. "Not to ruin the moment but...." He looks down at me. 


"I want to fucking kill Tyler."  He scoffed. 

"And you have every right to feel that way, but you won't be killing anyone. Especially under my watch." He softly kissed my forehead for pulling away to look at me. "What happened this time?" 

"Two years ago, a woman sent a letter meant for Tyler to read. I intercepted it. It contained dangerous, DANGEROUS, information that would put so many people in jeopardy that it's unreal. He found out and took Ginny hostage and so I gave him a fake." He scrunched his eyebrows. 

"Why do I feel like you're leaving out an important detail?" 

I took a hesitant breath. "Because I am," I say sheepishly. "He kind of had me in my room, tied up, before that." Before he moves, I keep a hold on him. "But don't kill him! Remember? No killing!" 

He scoffs and moves to sit on his bed. "He's going to pay for that. But how he does is in your hands. You're the victim, not me." 

I scoffed. "What did I do to deserve you?" I lay down on the bed beside him and cuddle up next to him. We're in a few minutes of peace until Mattheo's door opens and we both frantically sit up. The sight before us is a deranged looking Loren. 

Sorry for the long wait. Life sucks rn. 

1.) Writer's block is an absolute demon. 

2.) People literally suck. 

3.) I can't make these chapters the quality I want them to be 😭 

Thanks for reading and for the supports, appreciate it! 

Word Count: 786

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