Chapter 23: Search Party?

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Mattheo's POV:  

Also, Mattheo is going to be kinda "rough" to a girl later on but not in a abusive way. It's not even that bad, he just holds her robe sleeve without hurting her alr? -_- idgaf about the whole "dont touch/hit girls" kinda shit. If they're being abusive, do wtvr tf u gotta do to the defend urselves. Sometimes, ppl think they are immune because of some society rules and u gotta make it clear that it isnt the case. ESPECIALLY in this case when the girl was making fun of a missing person. 

How bout this? Just dont hit ppl in general. If you have enough time to think about the gender of the person, chances r- u dont have to hit or be rough with them :) 

"Mr.Riddle, I'm going to need full and total honesty from you. So far, you haven't caused trouble considering your... family, but if I am to keep that trust, you are going to have to answer my questions," she said firmly. 

I gulp and nod, feeling intimidated by her presence. "Do you know where she is?" 

"No, professor. I wish I did, truly, I do." 

"Is there a chance that your father's death eaters could locate her in anyway?"  

I shrugged. "Honestly, I think certain people within these walls will get the word out soon enough." 

Mcgonogal nodded, understanding. "Then it is imperative we find her right away. This isn't something that can be kept back. Mr.Riddle, I will need you to tell me any potential list of places she can be. And I would appreciate full honesty from you. I'd rather my trust in you not shatter." 

I nodded in understanding. 

"Still, I'm not too worried. She's smart and resourceful and should be able to take care of herself in the wild. She's young and fit and isn't impaired as far as I know. Thank you, Mr.Riddle." 

I suddenly remembered Snow's condition of physical and mental state of health when the professor mentioned this. "Actually professor," I say, "She isn't fully in it. We argued when I found out she was... she was doing drugs to cope and it became an addiction. I would know how that affects someone, she may not be fully into it, especially if she has withdrawl." 

Her response shocked me. 

"The poor girl. Please keep this private Mr.Riddle, we do not need rumors about Ms.Potter spreading around. She deserves peace of mind when we find her so she knows we are ready to help her heal." 

"She might be in California, professor. She has a friend there." And my sister too. 

Mcgonogal handed me a piece of paper and a quill. "Write down the address there and then go and do your prefect duties by bringing all the Slytherins to the Great Hall. I believe an announcement is to be made."  

After writing down the address, I go back to the dorms and wake everyone up. 

"Are you really waking us up at 9 am on a Saturday?" 

"Yes Draco, I am, not move your ass." 

Everyone filed in a line behind me as we walked out. I noticed the other houses also walking, meaning this was a serious assembly. When all four houses were inside the Great Hall, Mcgonogal walked up to the podium. The teachers behind her looked nervous, but most of all, Snape. The teachers must've been made aware of the situation by now. 

Whispers could be heard amongst everyone as they were wondering what the reason could be for the assembly. 

"Students, settle down please, this is important," Mcgonogal said sternly. Everyone went so silent, a pin drop could be heard. "Thank you. Today, it has been made aware to me that one of our students has left the school grounds and is in danger. She is impaired, and may be a danger to herself or risk hurting herself. We need to do our best to find out. The student is Snow Potter-" 

Everyone immediately went into an outrage, I saw the eyes of many students widen and Ginny crying into Luna's shoulder in the corner. Harry was being supported and comforted by Hermione as he wiped away his tears. 

"Quiet, please." Everyone quieted down, but murmurs were still heard. "I understand that this is upsetting news, which is why we are suggesting that anyone with ANY information, no matter how minimal it may seem, come forward." Mcgonogal looked over and made eye contact with Tyler for a moment, squinting her eyes. "Today and tomorrow, a search party will be commenced at Hogsmeade by the teachers. For that reason, there will be no Hogsmeade visits today or tomorrow." 

No one complained. I did hear someone in front of me chuckling about the situation. "That bitch was making stupid decisions, about time if you ask me," a Slytherin girl said. 

"Hey!" I whisper yell. She turns around and her eyes widen in shock. I grab her robe sleeve and pull her a little closer to me. "You're so fucking sick. Saying shit about a missing person? You're on cleaning duty for the rest of the damn month." 

She groans and turns back around to her friend, dead silent. 

What has gotten over me. 

Thanks for reading :D Short chapter again but it's introducing how the school is now aware of Snow's disappearance. 

I looooooove reading ur guy's theories so I'm curious for what u guys think will occur with Mattheo and Snow in the next chapters. 

Also, we love Mcgonogal. 


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