Chapter 12: The Black Lake Party

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"Oh you know- just Umbitch being a lovely professor. She made me write lines using a blood quill." I smile as if it's the most normal thing in the world. I transfigure up a towel and clean off the blood. I smirk at the dark red liquid on the towel, like a fucking psychopath. Maybe I am a psychopath? 

"Are you fucking smiling?" I look up at just smirk. He grabs the towel from me and throws it in the fireplace. We were in the  Ravenclaw common room now, which was thankfully empty. "You're mad." 

I shrug my shoulders before collapsing onto the couch. "I'm Snow Potter, being mad is my MAIN personality trait Loren." I looked at my cut up hand. It is red and slightly swollen. "I've been surrounded with cuts and bruises all my life. Plus, I think you were forgetting I was tortured by Tyler and his family." I quietly trail off at the end as I remember the events that happened a week ago. Gale, Tyler's father. He was at my apartment, and we dueled.  

I shook my head to clear my thoughts and looked back up at Loren. "What are you wearing to the party? You should bring those blue shorts of yours, we're going to be swimming." 

He sat down next to me and held my cut up hand up. "You can't just act indifferent, Snow. This is serious shit. Finding pain that normal isn't something to take lightly. " 

"Ok, fine fine! OH MAH GAWD LOREN, the PAIN! I CAN'T TAKE THE PAIN!" I clutch my chest and lie flat on the bed to over exaggerate. He softly laughs. I squeal when he grabs the hand I have on my chest to pull me towards him. 

Our noses are practically touching. "What will you be wearing to the party?" He lowers his voice. 

My breath hitches for a moment. "Something I can swim in of course. I was going to wear it underneath a dress, but maybe I should just go without it-" 

"Snow uhm-" He moves his face back for a moment. "You an Mattheo, is anything going on between you two." 

I sigh and look at him. "Of course not. He lied to me, and I can't forgive him for that Loren. I was stupid to think we would ever work out. Now, he's just another enemy." He nods at my explanation, as if he's relieved. "Loren." I hold is face up to look at mine. " Right now, I'm trying to get to know you, the REAL, you. Not the psycho I knew months ago. I see you were all that I thought you were all those months ago." I peck his lips and look back at him. "Understood?" He slowly nods before shifting back into a smile. "Good!" I stand up and slightly smack him in the head. "Now stop asking stupid questions and get ready for the dance! I'll be expecting you to pick me up outside the Gryffindor dorms at 9:30 p.m."  

I head out to the Gryffindor clubhouse so I could get ready. I know Harry, Ginny, Hermione, Ron, and most of my other friends are coming. When I enter the common room, I see Harry, Ron, and Hermione look up from the couches. Hermione smiles and stands up. "Do you want to maybe talk to your brother?" She said it in a sweet way, not as if she was judging me. I look at Harry before just walking out. 

I already have my swim stuff decided and just decide to wear a skirt and graphic t-shirt. I'm going to be in the lake most of the time anyway.  

When I walked out, the three of them were still on the couches. They were in their clothes but I suppose they're waiting for someone. 

"Snow!" I pursed my lips and turned around to face them. 

"Yes, Ronald?" I took a few steps forward towards them. Harry had a suspicious look on his face.

"Let's go to the party," Harry declared. He said it in a tone, as if suggesting he knew I had other plans. 

"I'm going with someone else." I quickly fluff my hair out to the sides before continuing to walk. 

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