Chapter 32: Get Rid of the Problem

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On instinct, I kicked the shin of the person behind me, getting them to release me from their grip and lunged for my wand again. Did I wake up Mattheo without realizing?

"Mattheo, you need to leave right now," I urged with my back to him. I turn to face him only to realize it isn't Mattheo.


He stood up from the ground, looking me dead in the eye. All the crazy that were once in his eyes had dissipated. " What are you doing here?" I cried out.

"That's my question to you! You left, and when you decide to come back, the first thing that comes to your mind is to kill someone?" He shouted aloud.

I scoffed. "You're one to talk about murder. That Hufflepuff boy last year, what happened to him?" Loren's mouth went into a tight line as his jawline twitched at the memory. "And your best friends who you killed?" I reminded him.

"Snow, you know I was different back then-" But I cut him off before he can finish.

"Oh poor Loren, you're so fucking clever, you should know why I'm doing this!"

He nods, starting to step towards me with his wand out. "I do, that's why I'm stopping you. Killing him won't fix all your problems!"

"IT WILL!" I stumble back, holding onto the wall of the bathroom stall to support myself. "Everything will be clearer in my mind if he'a just gone!"

"Voldemort won't leave your mind if Tyler's dead, please, you're one of the smartest people I know, be reasonable!"

I paused, shock filling my face. "How did you know that?" 

He gave a small, painful smile. "I'm smart, it's like you said." 

I push myself off the wall and hold my wand to him. "Loren, I'm giving you 20 seconds to leave. Don't make me force you." He shook his head, letting me know he wouldn't oblige. "15 seconds, please don't make me do something I'll regret to you." 

"You're about to do that anyways," he scoffed. "I'm not going to let my friend make a decision that will ruin her life. You aren't thinking clearly! Can't you see that this is what Voldemort wants? You're better than this, you're smarter than this! You know that is what he wants! You have never listened to anyone in your life, why now!" 

I gulped, knowing everything he was saying was true. But I was going to kill him, once and for all, and no sappy speech was going to fucking stop me. "3..." I pause for a second longer than I intended, not wanting this to go the route I knew it was going to go to. "2..." My breath shuddered as we both began approaching each other, with our wands raised. "1..." 

And just like that, flashes of red, purple and yellow went all over the room. He ducked behind one of the sinks, hiding from my spells, and he attempted to counter them with his own. I wasn't trying to hurt him, just chase him out. But it was difficult to hold back when all I wanted to do was let the demon unleash and get the damn job done. "Please get out!" I pleaded, one last time. 

The room went silent. No spells were cast, and he was nowhere in sight. I put my back against a wall, and kept glancing everywhere. Tyler was long knocked unconscious on the ground, as he laid his head lamely on the ground with some blood coming out from his abdomen. "If you don't come out, I'll kill him," I sing-songed. No response. I slowly made my way over to Tyler and kept my wand to his neck. "But what fun is killing him when he's already asleep? How about I give him a little bit of a wake up call?" 

At that, Loren immediately stepped out, his wand raised. "Please, don't make me do this." 

I stand up, feeling myself slip away with every second. "What are you going to do. Kill me? You already tried that before." 

"I'm not taking anything you say to heart, hopefully you know that when you wake up from whatever state you're in because I know this isn't you," he exclaimed. 

"Gee, thanks for taking my feelings into consideration." 

I grip Tyler's hair and pulled him up in front of me. I held him to me as I kept my wand on his neck. 

"I'm so sorry, Snow," he said, his voice completely hopeless. That was the moment I knew the plan couldn't have been that simple. I should've listened to my own advice. Loren wasn't stupid enough to come here alone. 

I turned to my left just in time to duck away from the Stupefy curse. "Great, both of you are here," I smirk. Mattheo slowly made his way next to Loren, a distraught look on his face. "You know, if you two really care about me, you wouldn't give a fuck if I killed him. You know what hell he causes for others." 

"He deserves to die, but not like this, not when what you're doing is going to turn you into something you're not," Mattheo tried to reason. 

I shook my head, not wanting to hear anymore of this. "If you don't want to witness me kill him, then fine! No one asked you to be here anyways. Just leave," I yelled out, desperate to get them out before they would witness me do such an unspeakable thing. 

"You know I can't do that, I'm so sorry Snow," Mattheo said with a teary voice. 

A sense of anxiety flooded me, and a sense of doubt. I tried pushing it to the side as I dug my wand deep into Tyler's neck. Tyler jolted awake and immediately whimpered when he saw the position he was in. His eyes pleaded for help as he stared at Loren and Mattheo.

I don't know who cast it, but before I knew it, I was ducking out of the way from a spell that forced me and Tyler to separate.  "Fuck you!"  I yelled out, putting out a counter spell. Painful flashes and cries and pleads occurred from both sides as we tried to stop each other. In the minutes of our dueling, I still managed to keep on the side of Tyler and stay the same distance away from Loren and Mattheo. "REDUCTO!" I yelled, pointing at the roof above them. Select portions of the roof instantly came rushing down in front of them, blocking me from their view and spells for a very short amount of time. I rushed over to Tyler, who was stuck on the ground with a broken ankle from the spells. 

"Oh don't cry, it'll be over soon," I said softly, repeating the words he used to say to me. 

Hahah sorry for the wait. School has again started. 

Thoughts on this chapter? Lmk. 

What do u think will happen next. 

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