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She woke up with a headache from the tears she'd shed. A month without hearing the woman she loves voice was eating her alive. It was the only thing that made her days better in the end.

Beyoncé knew she had to do something, but she was debating heavily in her head. Whether she wanted to take a break and gain her life back or continue to be lonely. It was obvious the smart thing to do, but she thought deeper than that. Too deep.

Will everything still be there when she got back? Or would they replace her like she never existed?

The attention she received would make it hard for her to be replaced, but she didn't think that way. She knew that there would always be someone better. Her level of humbleness told her that. Never did she think she was better than anyone.

An old friend of hers had traveled down to see her. In the span of three years, it was the first time they'd been face to face again. It brought a piece of happiness inside of her, but parts were still missing. She felt like it was just another familiar face in front of her with no past life behind it. No memories clicked hard enough, but they knew that they were there.

Being caught up with the things going on in her city, made her want to go back.

"All your old girls got somebody new."

"Damn, really? Even Rosemary?"

"Fucking right. She was first to go."

Her face frowned. She knew she'd just spoke to the girl not way too long ago. It made her think if the girl even still had love for her. If the reason she was over waiting was because she had someone else already. The last thing Beyonce wanted to be told was that the love of her life didn't look at her as the same anymore.

"Don't take it personal. It's just the women you was sleeping on been working."

Beyoncé nodded her head and kept her eyes forward. She knew she had to get back for the sake of her happiness. Because hearing certain things broke her heart whether she wanted to express it or not.

"I talked to Rose not too long ago..."

"And how did that go?"

"She got mad at me...."Why you even give a fuck, you not even here?" I said a few more words after that and she hung up on me. Now she won't answer my calls at all."

Old friend: Robyn, nodded. Understanding the attitude that the young girl always gave off. She knew those words were some from her. Surprised that they weren't a bit harsher like she'd been receiving the past couple of years.

"Go see her Bey...Before this dude take her for good."

Beyoncé sat there and thought for a few. The pros and cons of leaving were heavy on her mind. One side outweighed the other and she knew what she really wanted to do deep down.

"Book a flight."

"Or call that private jet of yours."

"Right." She pulled out her phone and called immediately. A small part of her said it wasn't right for her to leave her work, but another part let her know that it'd be there when she got back. "It's scheduled for later tonight.... You think shit the same?"

"I swear you don't know this city anymore. They might have loved you before, but you out here doing your own thing, they don't know you no more."

"Oh they know me, it's just not as sincere."

"We'll see Bey."

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