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"Life goes on"

Day 5 at home and Beyoncé was feeling like things were going well. She had her girl back talking to her and her family excited about her being there. It didn't seem all over the place anymore. It made her happy.

Even though she wasn't at her personal home, she was still working. Small partnerships and meetings took place throughout her days.It showed her that things really stayed the same, only difference is her location. Her mother stayed on her butt about things, and she deep down missed being in her presence.

At the moment, she was on her way to Rosemarys house. She was invited to game night and couldn't wait to see the face she'd missed. But she would take the chance to ask Onika about their old friends Robyn and Solana. She knew it's been a minute since they'd last spoke.

Beyoncé wanted to end that separation between them.

When arriving to the house, she got out quick and walked straight. She knew the door would be opened for her. All she had to do was follow the voices to the living room and a smile spread across her face.

Seeing Onika sitting criss cross on the floor with other faces she didn't recognize.


"Bey! You made it." Onika quickly got up and went to greet the woman she deeply missed. She knew her friends didn't know her as her lover, but she didn't plan on introducing them as so just yet. Only because she felt like they didn't need to know her business. But the girls were going crazy seeing Beyoncé in front of them. "You want a drink?"

"What you drinking?"

"Don Julio."

"Damn, girl."

"But it's mixed, so not too much of it."

"Make me whatever you got."


Onika happily moved to her bar area and made up a drink. She could feel the eyes of her friends being glued on Beyoncé, so she made her movements quick. Giving the girl her drink, Onika pulled her to sit on the floor with the rest of them.

"So...you talk to Robyn and Solana?" Beyoncé whispered as close to Onika as she could. Just because she didn't want the others to know what she was talking about.

A glare was sent Beys way. Onika knew what she was doing and she didn't want to speak on that topic at the moment.


"Why not? They miss you, I think it would be nice to have them here."

"I think that would be nice too, but-"

"Imma tell them to come then." Beyoncé moved quick. Standing up before Onika could protest and dialing up her friends numbers. She took that moment since she knew it would be her only chance. And because she knew Onika wouldn't get up and chase her. "Hello? Robyn."

"What's up Bey? You still down here?"

"Yea. I'm at Onikas house, she actually said it would be nice if you and Lana came by." Beyoncé spoke with a smile knowing the two wouldn't hesitate to move. They missed being together just as much as the other did.

"She said it would be nice, but did she say for us to come?"

"Yes Robyn." She lied.

A sigh came over the phone before Robyn agreed to come. She knew it had been years since they'd last spoke and she wanted to rekindle everything. From the moment it happened, she wanted to work on things. But she also knew that the young girl wouldn't go for it.

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