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"Stop peeking." Beyoncé smacked my hand down and I smacked my lips. She's scaring me man, I don't wanna be blindfolded. My heart is beating so fast, I don't know what to expect.

Beyoncé like to play a lot, I can't even say I completely trust her with this right now. But i'm trying.

"Bae, please."

"Just chill. You all tense, trust me."

I sighed, letting her get me out the truck. My hands stayed in front of me so I could still try and feel. Nothing was working though, so I just gave up. Sighing heavily and holding her hand tightly.

She walked me, keeping me safe and I soon felt us going inside a building. It got cold. I scrunched my face at how cold it was and squeezed her hand.

"Ok, on three i'm gonna drop the blindfold ok?"

I nodded, waiting for her to count down. When she got to three she actually dropped it and I had to get my vision back straight. Once I did, I saw it. There was a grand opening sign and it had my business name.

My eyes widened as I looked around to see my inventory everywhere. Omg. Beyoncé kept smiling, watching me.

It took me a second to realize I was inside a building with my stuff fully loaded in. My heart dropped.



"When did you have time to do thiisss??"

"I just did, don't worry about that. You like?"

"I love! It looks so good baby, omg you're gonna make me cry." I fanned my face. She's really making my dreams come true without even knowing and I just can't! It makes me emotional to see that she wants my success just as much as I do. Her strive for me.

I wiped my eyes, keeping a pout on my face. She pulled me into her and kissed my lips.

"I'm so grateful for you."

"I'm beyond grateful for you mama. You deserve this and much more."

"No more. Please. You've done enough." I grabbed her blazer and pulled it together. She's making me feel so bad, she did so muucchhh for me. "I'm so excited."

"I'm excited to see what you're gonna do with it. Everything is set up but if you wanna change anything, go ahead."

"No, I love it how it is. You did an amazing job baby."

"I know I know." She smiled all cocky and I chuckled.

"Thank you. Really. You just don't know how much easier you're making my life."

"And that's what I want to do. So don't stop me."

I smiled at her, pulling her into a kiss and keeping her close. Everyday she gives me a deeper reason to never stop loving her. She's the best part of my life right now.

Never wanna lose her.

I spent most of my day scoping out the building. It's so beautiful and I love everything about it. My baby knows me so well, the way things were set up is how I would've done it for sure. She's the best.

Now we're at her house just laid uppp. Know I love laying up with my baby. We took a shower together before I took care of her body. Buttered her up and oiled her down. She was shiny and smooth by the end. 

It's the least I could do with all that she's done in the last two weeks. I've been pampered and spoiled everyday. She's gonna let me return the gesture, I don't care what she says. I'm so in love.

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