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I'm not sure what's going on. After that talk with Bey and I, she helped me with the ballon release. After that, she said she had to leave and that was it. I haven't talked to her since. I'm not really stressing about it, i've kept it in my mind not to get my hopes up too high about this. It'll be dumb of me if I did.

She still hasn't said anything about finding a house. That's how I know nothing is gonna move forward with this. I just enjoy her company when I can. She's my soulmate, so i'm gonna have some grain of stupidity over her. But I also know what I want out of a partner.

Of course i'm gonna keep my word, I cut off all ties with Game. He's called a couple times but I just ended up blocking his number. I'm already knowing he's gonna pop up so i'm ready to just let it out flat to him. He should be expecting it anyways. I've warned him already.

Right now i'm at the warehouse just doing some decorating. I love a soft touch, so I want some parts of the warehouse to have carpet or a bunch of rugs like my work room at home. Walking on bare floor for too long hurts my feet.

My order for all the rugs came in yesterday and i'm just placing them around. Ceiling them so they'll stay. This is why I bought it in full. I wasn't doing any type of renting because I wanted to do what I wanted with it. No rules. I hate feeling like I can't do what I want, when I want. It's the sagittarius in me.

I had music playing for the vibe and didn't have much clothes on. I'm comfortable and in my zone. Just panties and a t-shirt will keep me good.

"Need you for the old me. Need you for my sanity. Need you to remind me where I come from." 

The doorbell started to go off letting me know that someone was here. It's probably my package of lights. I don't want to always have these big ass bright ass lights on so I just bought a bunch of remote control lights. It's giving so girly. And they're the kind that I can stick to the wall and control with a remote. It's really cool. I like that I can change the color as well.

I moved quick to the door after pausing the music and opened it. It was indeed my packages and I smiled at the girl. She was pretty much looking at me like it was a surprise. So I just took the boxes from her.

"Do you work out?" She asked with a smile and I chuckled shaking my head. I don't really work out much, but when I can, I will. These boxes feel kind of light though.

"Not really. Probably a couple times a month but not so often."

"That's enough for you then. You have a nice body; was my reason for asking by the way."

"Thank you so much, I appreciate that. Do I have to sign anything?"

"Yea. Just right here."

I took the clip and signed the paper on it before giving it back. It was done after that, she left and I started ripping the boxes open. Not seeing lights really confused me though. It was a bunch of rose peddles. Huh? When did I order these?

My face scrunched as I opened the rest of the boxes to get the same thing. I didn't order roses. I hurriedly went to open the door trying to catch the girl but I was met with someone else. My eyes widened at first but they soon softened.

Beyoncé stood there smiling with a bouquet of roses in her hand. It made me smile back because aw, she looks so cute.

"Hey Rosemary."

"Hey Bumble Bee." I stepped to the side so she could enter.

"Like your roses?"

"Yea, they're cute. I thought they were my lights." I chuckled looking at the boxes. She sat the roses down before pulling me into a hug and kissing my forehead. "Where have you been this past week?"

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