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The arcade was packed with people. For it to be kind of early in the day it was surprising. Usually these places be packed around night, it's like 3pm and it's full.

Not gonna lie it made me a bit nervous. Only because...to the other people, i'm the Beyoncé. To the people i'm with, i'm just Bey. Of course I had security, but honestly they do nothing but put more attention on me.

That's why I like to have good relationships with the people I work with. Mainly the people who have to be with me as protection. Only so things won't be awkward looking with them. Things can feel normal and not like I have to be watched.

They play around with me and even have fun while working. But never over doing to where they lose focus of their jobs. I don't wanna be caught slipping or something.

"What all do you wanna do?" Onika held my hand and leaned her body on me. We're standing at the machine to buy our cards and tokens so we can play. "Down here is the arcade and VR, the race cars are outside.They also have paintball and laser tag."

"Let's see what everyone else is doing." We went around to the other machine and they were just standing there. "What y'all doing?"

"We waiting for y'all to say what y'all wanna do." Redd chuckled making us all laugh. We standing here looking dumb waiting on each other. Would've been here all damn day. After a while we agreed on doing a little bit of almost everything. Just no paintball and laser tag because running is needed in both and we're tired.

First we started with arcades since it was right next to us. Onika little ass swore up and down that she was about to fry me in everything. I'm finna tear her mini ass up. All into shreds.

"Baby you can't even throw hard." She chuckled as I picked up the balls to knock the little clowns down. These shits should be easy. I haven't been to an arcade since I was in high school. Taking Onika on dates trying my best to impress her. She loved things like that.

"I can throw hard." I mugged her. She think i'm so weak cause i'm lanky. Bullshit. "Watch I knock all these down."

"Show me then baby."

I swiped my card to start the game and began throwing. Every time I knocked one down I would stick my tongue out at Onika. Since she thought I couldn't do it. By the end only two were standing and it was the small ones at the top.

Fuck them. Praying on my downfall.

"Okay big mama, I guess you got some strength."

"Thank you, my love." I gave her a kiss and we went to the next game. It was full of us just running around with Julius behind us. I even stopped and took pictures with a couple of people. I'm sure i'm being recorded for the blogs and all that.

Now this is how I would like for Onika to be displayed as my girl. Not at some club full of half naked bitches and shit. But at a nice fun place that shows that I really love her deep down.

"You wanna eat?" I asked after we finally ran out of tokens and card swipes. We got hella tickets around us, I was putting them on Nickis body every time we got them. She look crazy.

I got my phone out and took an off guard picture of her. Just standing there holding my hand with tickets around her body.

"They have pizza, we can eat that." She looked at me and I just nodded. I'm not showing her that picture until we get home. May not even show her, just might post it. "Well I know you like wings, i'll get you that."

"You're not getting anything. I am. What you want, pizza?" I started pulling her to order the food. Julius stood behind us, facing the other way to watch our backs. There was hella people just trying to talk to us.

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