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I've been on the run all morning. Packages weren't delivered and it's fucking with my image. These people probably think i'm scamming them but I don't play that. At all. I'll fuck somebody up.

It's crazy because I know for a fact that I delivered them and it's even more crazy that it's been a week and they've yet to receive their shit. I've had issues with this post office before but it's closest to my house and makes things so much easier. I can be on such a tight schedule sometimes.

All the time.

I left Beyoncé at home because last night was definitely a night. What I said I wanted to do, I did it. A couple of times actually. It was all a time. She wouldn't have gotten up anyways.

"Hi um- I came here about a week ago with these boxes and- they were supposed to be delivered like three days ago but-"

"Oh yea. You. Those packages over there." He pointed behind me and my face frowned. Why? I sighed in disbelief and went to the packages seeing they were indeed mine. It made my heart ache to see my stuff just sitting here. I could cry. "They were put on hold by the lady that works afternoons. She said you would eventually come and to not take them off hold until-"

"No....No, why would they be on hold? They've never been on hold before, it's just some packages. And it's not the whole box, it's the things inside the box. Hence why it's not taped down."

"I don't know lady."

"Look. I need those packages out today. Did she say a reason for why they're on hold?"

"She said we could refuse service if you're a bitch. Obviously you were a bitch to her."

"How was I- Who is this lady? Is it the old woman with the white hair?" I mugged because I know damn well that bitch didn't hold my shit. She got mad because I asked for a pen. It confused me on why she even got mad. It was my first time seeing her and she gave me an issue the first time.

Like I said i've had issues before but they've never held my shit. That's so weird. Can they be sued for that or something?

"You know what...fuck it." I threw my arms up and turned to my stuff. I'm not about to do this with them when I can take my shit elsewhere. It takes a lot to make me upset and this isn't gonna be one.

Now I have to get these to my truck. I didn't bring them in by myself, one of the guys I know work here did.

"I can try and-"

"Fuck off." I grabbed the box and started to pull it the best I could. The shit was barely scooting. This is gonna take a minute and I don't give a damn.

"Well at least let me help you."

"No. You could've helped me by sending my stuff off. But you wanna listen to an old hag who was mad over a pen."

I'm actually upset but i'm not mad. So whatever. As I was trying my damn hardest to get the box outside, a guy stopped me from lifting it. He acted like something was about to fall on me.

"No woman should be trying to lift a box like this. Let me get that for you."

I stepped back and let him put the box into my trunk. He asked me if I had more and then proceeded to put them all inside for me. It was really cool for him to do that because I have heels on and it was harder than I admitted.

And he's cute....Oh bye Onika.

"Thank you so much."

"No problem. Didn't want the cutie to break a heel." He chuckled pointed to my shoes and I chuckled as well. When I tried to give him some money for it he declined it. "Nah ma. I did that cause it was the right thing to do."

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