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I was putting addresses on packages when I got a call. The fact that my phone was across the room stopped me from answering it. Just waited for it to stop so my music could start back.

Just woke up like thirty minutes ago and I just started working. Im not about to stop because I most likely won't start back. Need to get this out the way do I can contact this man back about this warehouse. I think i'm ready to buy it now.

Months ago I gave him a part of the amount but now I have the rest. I'm ready to take this business up a notch. Working from inside my home is getting overdue.

Time to take things big girl style.

My phone started ringing again and I felt like it was Redd. I'm not answering her right now she'll start trying to talk. Most likely she finna talk shit or tell me something. It can wait for about another hour.

I went in the restroom to grab some more sticky notes. Hand written notes go in all of my orders. Just a little thank you for the support.

"Tell me what you say now. Tell me what you say come again. If you cannot stay down, then you do not have to pretend." I sung as my music started back. It's really a vibe when i'm working and I love to keep it that way.

Being in this big ass house alone is the reason i'm used to working without being bothered. Sometimes Redd will be here helping me other times she'll be here just in my bed. But she know to be quiet and not bother me until i'm finished.

I don't know why this fucker keeps calling me. Huffing, I got off the floor and went to my phone. It had fell when I tossed it on the mini couch in the corner. My work room is just full of fluffiness and boxes.

When I checked my phone I had a cringe face. It wasn't even Redd, it's Beyoncé.

"Oh shit." I pressed to call her back and sighed as it rung. When she answered, she didn't say anything. "Hello?"

"Come open the door."

"Now you wanna talk to me? It's been three days, I don't even wanna talk no more."

"Come open the door Onika." She gritted before hanging up and I rolled my eyes. I knew she would fold first, she always does. And it don't even be my fault, she be feeling guilty.

I let my music play back and started to pick up trash really quick.

"If there's one thing that I learned while in those county lines, is that everything takes time, you have gotta lose your pride."

Once most of the mess was up I went downstairs to open the door. She stood there looking slightly upset, a little pout popping out. I stepped over for her to walk in and she followed me back upstairs.

We went in my work room with the music still playing and she just sat on the floor. My eyes went to her feet to see if she took those shoes off. Seeing she did I calmed down and went to my computer to print more addresses.

I've been working on a new website so while stuff was printing I started working on that.

"They say the truth ain't pretty, but coming from that pretty mouth the truth is fitting. Cause you ain't never talking loud and you know plenty. You know what i'm talking bout cause you just get me. Yea you so, pretty. If everything-" I was cut off by my phone ringing again and groaned. What in the actual fuck? "What?" I answered sighing heavily.

Like it makes no sense. I got the first person that kept calling who else matters?

"Bitch don't be answering the phone like that."

"What's up Redd?"

"I'm bored, what you doing?"

"Working on this website and getting packages ready."

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