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"I've never been on one." I mumbled to Bey as we loaded the jet. It's around 3am, yes we're late. But we don't actually take off until 4am, so it doesn't matter. I'm guessing it's my fault that we're late just because I was hungry.... Like damn, okay. A bitch can't eat now?

At least we made it, that's all they need to be worried about. Not the fact that we're later than the planned time. As if we're missing something important.

"You've never been on a plane or anything?" She looked at me confused so I shook my head. At first we didn't have money to travel, I was always at home. When I did start getting money, I just have a busy schedule with nowhere to go honestly. "Mm. You scared?"

"Not really."

"Good. You full? Ain't shit else you gon want?"

"I'm full."

"We finna be on here for like 4-5 hours."

"I'm okay Bey."

"It's snacks and shit on here so you'll be good."

I nodded following her towards the back and entering a room. There's rooms on this thing? How the hell? That's cool. She pulled the covers back on the bed and gestured for me to lay down. I don't want to now, I wanna look around.

"Can I look around please?"

"Around the jet?"

"Yea....I didn't know that rooms could be on here." I mumbled rubbing my fingers across the glass dresser connected to the wall. That's really cool, I've never even seen this inside a real home.

"Go ahead then. Want me to come with?"

"You don't have to." I left the room and just followed what caught my eye. There's so many colors on here unlike her actual home. It's just simple.

One area caught my eye and it looked to be a chill spot. There was a tv on the wall with a game system beneath it. Does this stuff really work in the air? I always thought there was no service whatsoever on them. Was prepared to sleep the whole time.

Continuing, I noticed a little kitchen. The microwave looked really weird but i'm sure it's not like a regular microwave.

Hearing other voices I made my way back to the other side. Robyn and Redd were coming in, I was surprised to see Lana with them. I didn't know she was coming. That's amazing though, she deserves a break as well.

"Hey Lala."

"Hey Nic. Remember when we were little and you used to say when you got rich you would go to the Bahamas and never come back?" She chuckled bringing up the old memory. I nodded with a smile because I had such huge dreams. I'm still making my way towards them slowly.

Someday i'll really go and never come back. I wanna do that when I get old and ready to stop all the working. Retire.

"Good thing we're going to the Bahamas, we just won't be staying like you what."

"Wait, we're going to the Bahamas?" I had a look of confusion, no one told me where we were going. I'm thinking we're going somewhere simple....The Bahamas? "Bey!"


"Baby we're going to the Bahamas?" I smiled as she made her way with us. A huge smile came to her face and she looked around.

"Who told her?"

"It was a surprise? My bad." Solana cringed some.

"Yea. We're spending her birthday there."

"Oh shit. My bad Bey. I just remember she used to always say she wanted to go there."

"It's cool. That's why I picked it. Every time she got mad she swore she wanna gonna leave us and go to the Bahamas."

I chuckled because I really did. Just a girl in the hood ready to get away from everybody. Now look at me, damn near finna get away from everybody. Give me a couple years, imma be gone.

"I am. Watch."

"Girl you ain't going nowhere." She kissed my forehead and mushed me over. They used to say that every time I threatened to leave. Imma prove them wrong. I'm sure if I move they're coming with me but still. "Lana when you decide you was coming?"

"Last minute, literally. Robyn called and I just- I just came."

"Mhmmm, that's how it really went?"

"Nah, we fucked first."

My eyes widened. Ok that was real straight forward. She barely talks and now she's throwing things out at us. I love it. We need to get her to do that more.

"Sorry." She chuckled covering her mouth. All I could do was laugh with her because wow. That's more insane than me, I never confess on the first time.

"Come on y'all, we can pull off early since everyone is here." Bey led us to the seats and we had to buckle up, all that jazz. I was honestly scared, only because how is all this even possible? All this stuff on this one thing. "Why you turning red Rosemary?"

"I...am scared."

"I thought you said you weren't?" She chuckled grabbing my hand. I wasn't laughing, it felt like my heart was beating out of my chest. "Come on baby, hold my hand."

I grabbed it tighter immediately, holding tight until I felt like we were getting off the ground. Couldn't really feel it but I knew because Bey told me. After a while she took her seatbelt off and stood, my heart hit my ass.

"Wait no. What are you doing?"

"You can get up mama. You don't have to sit the whole damn time. That's just for take off and landing. Come on get up."

Hell no. I am not getting up, I refuse. Why would I get up in a moving vehicle damn near? That's asking for something to happen.

"Baby!" She laughed at me.

"Y'all tell her she can get up!"

"Nic get your ass up. Girl you don't gotta sit down whole time." Redd came to me but I shrugged just getting on my phone. I'm not fucking with them and this get up bullshit.

"Redd leave me alone."

"Mcht, alright then. Sit there then."

I shrugged getting comfortable in the seat. I'll take the seatbelt off but i'm not getting up. That's a huge no no. I curled up in the seat, preparing myself to just go to sleep here. It's a comfortable seat after all.

The rest of them went somewhere on this big ass thing. I'm leaving that to them.

After a while, Bey came and brought me a cover. I took it, shooing her away when she stayed standing there. I'm sure she expected me to get up but i'm not.

"Mcht bruh." She cuffed her hands and picked me up. I screeched, holding her neck tightly while shutting my eyes tight. "Man let me go."

"Baby stop doing that. I'm scared."

"Alright look. Get down in the bed."

"Am I gonna be okay Bey? Promise me."

"I promise you'll be okay mama. Come on."

I slid out of her arms into the bed and she chuckled. Why does she keep laughing?

"Gimme kiss."

"Where you goin?"

"To play the game with Robyn. Come on gimme my kiss."

I pecked her lips a couple times, honestly not wanting her to leave me in here alone. Only cause like....what if something happens? I won't know what to do.

"Lay down and go to sleep scaredy cat."

"I'm not."

"So stand up."


"Exactly." She laughed walking out and I actually laid down. I had to pray real hard before closing my eyes to go to sleep. It's just crazy how they're freely walking around like we're not on a flying jet....

That's psychotic.

Or maybe they're just too rich for me...

Yea that's it.


this short cause it was an unmotivated chapter. got y'all next one.

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