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"You wanna come with me?" I walked in Onikas room while she just laid there. We been going like rabbits. Like....seriously. Before I had to get ready I had just finished eating her out. And she gave me head before that.

"Yea i'll go with you." She spoke lowly and I walked up to the bed. I'm not liking this down sounding mood.

"What's wrong baby?"

"My baby would've been two today." She cleared her throat while sitting up with the cover over her chest. My face softened and I kissed her. "It's fine I just didn't realize it at first. We're having a ballon release tonight. Will you be there?"

"Of course. I wouldn't dare miss it."

She nodded before getting out the bed and going to the bathroom. I sighed rubbing my forehead. Every time I think about her having to deal with that I get upset with myself. Because i'm the reason she even had to go through that alone.

Can't help but to think that if I were here like I should've, that wouldn't have even happened.

She came out the bathroom dressed and I smiled at how good she looked. Even though she wasn't dressed up, she looked good. I love when she has that long hair in her head.

"Where are we going?"

"To the studio."

"You're making music again?"

"Not for me. Helping someone."

"You get paid for that?" She looked at me confused and I nodded. Onika know how to write. When I wasn't even up yet, she used to write little stuff for me to sing and I would. But once she started to work on her business she stopped.

I didn't complain, I was working on my career. But I would love to get her back in there.

"That's good." She grabbed her purse before sliding her crocks on. "Can we take those boxes with us? I need to drop them off somewhere."

"Yea. Where they at?"

"The room."

"Alright i'm finna tell Julius to get 'em."

"Good. My baby don't need to be lifting boxes." She came to me and grabbed my face before kissing me. I swear she treat me like i'm a bitch sometimes. But I can't lie and say I don't like it cause I love it actually. I'm still a female.

While she kissed all on me I texted Julius to come in and get those boxes. He was right outside so it didn't take him long to come up.

"Last room down the hallway to the left!" I shouted once I saw him come up the stairs. Onika was still touching on me so I pushed the door closed. If she don't stop. "Nic. Baby come on, stop."

"I just wanna kiss on you." She pecked my jaw while on her tippy toes. Girl know she short as hell and wanna kiss. I had to back away for her to actually stop.

We left out the room to the SUV and headed to wherever Onika needed to drop boxes off at.

"I bought a warehouse." She smiled at me and I just looked at her. I've been lowkey looking at buildings for her so she can have a store. I want to see her make it big like that. That's something she really deserves. "I'm really excited to get it together. I'm gonna clean that room out from all those boxes and take them there. But I still wanna keep that room as a work room because I for sure won't be going to a warehouse everyday."

"I'm proud of you mama."

"Thank you. I got everything approved this morning that's why I hadn't told you."

"I could've helped you. Start telling me when you making big purchases baby."

"Nope. You're not doing that."

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