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My head felt like it was gonna explode. For some reason I woke up feeling like I was the one that got white girl wasted. Neither of us did, after everyone left we just laid down. We were drunk of course, we did take shots, but that just caused us to have sex. Nothing new.

She wasn't gonna let me go to sleep without doing so. A drunk Onika = nasty time. I think she's mad at me though because we're using condoms still. There's always a little fight before we actually start cause she wanna argue. She know i'll put my dick up and call it a night.

But now we need to get up so we can pack. Before she went to get her hair and stuff done yesterday we went shopping. She claimed that she couldn't go on vacation without new stuff. So I took her shopping. It was cool.

"Baby." I yawned grabbing under her arms to lift her. She'se about to get her ass up, I know that. Told her not to drink but she insisted. Now we a little hungover. Then we had sex, yea she's out of there. "Come onnn."

"Stoooppp." She kept trying to lay back down on me but I kept holding her up. I'm not letting her go until she open her eyes, that's when I know she's awake and can't go back to sleep. "Baby please." They finally opened and I actually let her go. She can't fall back asleep no more, he body won't let her. Get that ass up.

"Come on. We load the jet at 2am, take off at 4am. You know we still gotta pack."

"Please just a few more minuteeesss."

"Onika you got five minutes." I gave in, rubbing her back and actually watching the clock on the wall. We can't go no further because if we don't get to preparing to leave now, we'll be rushing. I'm already knowing how Onika is, i'm not risking none of that. "Alright get up."

"Uggghh." She got off of me with an attitude, going straight to the bathroom. I rolled my eyes at her dramatics and went inside with her. We took a shower, brushed our teeth and put some clothes on. Now we gotta go to her house to pack.

I move fast so I can wait a little bit, it's her that need to go first. This honestly should've been done but whatever. She like to wait.

"Onika don't start that." I mumbled seeing her start to get frustrated with her clothes. We went shopping so there shouldn't be any issues with shit she has right now. "Pack the stuff."

"Baby I don't like this."


"Ok." She huffed tossing it inside the suitcase before continuing. All we went through for her to even find some shit to wear, I don't wanna hear a thing. At all. "I'm hungry, can we go eat?"

Alright. Here she go. We stopped from her packing to go get her some food. She was dancing in her seat as I drove to Chic Fil A. Such a greedy sucker. Julius ordered for us and it was crazy that the drive through person recognized him. That's odd.

"Julius!" She screamed with wide eyes and a smile. My face scrunched some in confusion because what? Sometimes I see where my fans be talking about him but I didn't think it was like that.

He always keep a straight face no matter what. So he just grabbed our food from her. She kept trying to talk to him, he just never replied. I eventually let down my window, seeing the girl light up before covering her mouth from a scream.

"Oh my fucking gosh!!"


"Omg it's so- what the- yo!"

"Breathe girl." I chuckled as she fanned herself. She bout to make herself pass the hell out with the way she acting. We had to go though so I took a quick picture before we left.

We got to the house and ate our food in the kitchen. She look like she didn't wanna be up at all but oh well. It's not even early.


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