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I groaned rolling over in the bed and sighing heavily. Last thing I remember is my guts being tore up and my hair being pulled. Beyoncé wasn't playing with me last night. Kept trying to apologize but wasn't shit working.

I'm not sure why my drunken mind said to text G like that shit would work. Should've known Beyoncé wasn't gonna just let me leave that club when I arrived with her. So dumb Onika. Now i'm paralyzed.


i scratched at her back trying to arch mine but the hold she had on me didn't allow me to do anything. our bodies were one as she pounded into me with all her might. my screams bounced off the walls with the smacking of our skin.

"that nigga fuck you better than this? mm?" she hit a deep stroke while holding it and i let out a long moan. i thought that was it until she pulled out before slamming back in. at that moment i felt myself cumming again.

in the middle of the amazing feeling she flipped me to my stomach and put me in an arching position. my ass was high as my face stayed in the pillow. her sliding inside me had me crying out. but i wouldn't dare yell for mercy.

i miss this. need this.

"let me find out you fucking with him again imma tear you up every time i think about it. understand me?" she yanked my head back by my hair and i whimpered. "i said do you understand me?" her gritting in my ear made my eyes roll back. not answering her just pissed her off because she started to come with harsher strokes.

"fuck! yes, daddy! i'm sorry!"

I'm not sure if I died after that or what. But I do know that G won't be getting a word from me for a minute. She wasn't playing about anything she said. I don't remember much but based off what I do, i'm not trying to mess around.

I laid there staring at the ceiling for a bit before closing my eyes back. It don't even feel right getting up this early right now. Everything will have to wait until later. I'm fucked upp. Literally.

Beyoncé had to get me up because someone was at the door. I slid out the bed and put my slippers on before grabbing my robe. A shower is really needed. I'm full of....cum. I feel it on dripping on my-

Opening the door, I saw Momma standing there with Yana. She smiled before stepping in and I scratched my head. I'm tired, aching, all that.

"Good morning."

"Good morning momma." I rasped out and my eyes widened at my horse voice. No fucking way! That's when the events started flashing through my head.


i went as deep as i could without choking and heard her moan out. it sounded so sexy, i massaged her balls with the spit that rolled from my mouth.

feeling her grab my messy curly hair into her fist, i took a deep breath before she pounded into my mouth. she's not playing with me and i feel bad for myself. i'm never drunk texting again. she saw the messages i sent G. i'm drunk i wasn't thinking about locking my phone.

"you better swallow it all. being a good girl taking this dick mama."

she's talking to me while ramming in my mouth. that's so sexy i swear. i can't even say shit back. just eating dick like it's my last meal.

"fuucckk." she held me down tightly to where i couldn't breathe at all. i could feel my throat getting tight from loss of oxygen but fuck it.

when she finally released me i gasped for air and looked up at her with the tears in my eyes. she licked her lips while rubbing her thumb over mine.

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