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"Truth hurts."

Sitting in her hotel, she thought about going to see her family. Just the thought of her first visit had her on edge. She didn't know what to expect and she didn't want to be heartbroken again. The rejection she received the day before made her think about going back home.

Her reason for coming had no care to see her. Or so that's what she thought.

Deep down she knew she didn't have long to make her decision. Already expecting to see the blogs announcing her presence back in her home town. And if her mother knew she was there without a visit, she wouldn't hear the end of it.

So she cleared the thoughts from her mind and finally got out of bed. Before she did anything, she called her girl. Just to see if things had changed. But she soon felt it hadn't when the call went straight to voicemail. It made her mind wonder again. If things were true that she'd actually moved on. Or if she had a kid that she never even knew about.

To ease her mind, she took a shower. Trying her best to wash away all emotions before going to see her mother. The last thing she needed was for the woman to be down her throat because of a facial expression. That's something she wouldn't hear the end of as well. At least until she spilled what was really going on.

The sound of her phone ringing knocked her from her thoughts and she quickly stepped out to check who it was. She caught herself smiling at her girl Rosemary flashing across the screen. Answering just as quick as she grabbed the phone while still washing her body. The smile never left.


"Hey, you called? I'm sorry I was handling something." She heard so much movement, it made her face slightly scrunch. "Hello? Bey? Did I even press call?"

It made Beyoncé chuckle at the confusion heard over the phone before she made herself heard.

"Yea, I called. I just wanted to say good morning and see how you were doing."

"Oh....Well good morning, Beyoncé. I'm doing fine, how are you?"

"Same. I'm about to go see my Mama." The blonde smiled wider, if possible, feeing slight excitement rush through her. A bolt of happiness just from speaking about seeing her family. "Did you have any plans today?"

"No not really, just taking my sister to daycare before I start shipping out packages. So kind of, yea." Onika chuckled, realizing how backwards her statement may have sounded.

"Oh ok. How's the business going?"

"It's going amazing. I wouldn't be living the way I am without it. Actually really proud of myself with that."

"I'm happy for you."

"Thank you- Layana sit down."

"Tell her I said hi. It's been a minute since i've last seen her." Beyonce thought back to the little girl she bonded with before leaving. Onikas little sister was almost a year old and loved her some BB. But it pained her to even think about the child not remembering her.

"She was a baby when you last seen her. But she says hello. My phone is connected to the car."

The two spoke some more before they had let go. Beyoncé was ready to walk out the door for her mother's house. Nervousness ran through her while she drove, scared of more change. She didn't know what would be different at this point, with the little that she'd experienced already.

So all she did was hope that when she got to her mother's house, it was still her mother's house.

Sitting in front of the home, she sighed heavily while rubbing through her braids. She looked at the sky before getting out the car and just going for it. Ringing the doorbell, she stood there biting at her nail. Just watching the door.

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