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"Did I lose you?"

I walked up to the door and sighed, wiping my hands down my jeans. I'm nervous. It's been years, what if she really did give up on me? I wouldn't blame her, but of course i'm gonna feel sad about it. I didn't want this to happen, but I did want a change within myself. Maybe I picked the wrong type. Because like Mama said, i'm not happy being away from those that I love.

But before I even consider moving back, I want to be sure that the ones I love are still on the same page as me. Coming back just to be in the same position I was in away wouldn't make much sense. And by the ones I love, I mean Rosemary. It's my third day here and we've talked every day. This morning she called me instead of me calling her like i've done for the two days. It made me happy, like I still had a chance. Even asked me to come by so we could talk.

So here I am.

Ready to ring her doorbell, but then I remembered her telling me it would be open. So I twisted the knob and walked straight in. Being a bit familiar with the home, I knew the exact way to the living room. Smiling when I saw a little girl sitting there. Little Layana had a small pout while focusing on the tv. She looked up at me before jumping off the couch and running off towards the back. I chuckled small following her.

There Onika was, holding the child on her hip while looking to be making plates of food. She noticed me immediately, putting Layana down. That did no justice because now he has a child hooked to her leg.

"Yana give me a minute baby. Get off me." She tried her best to detach, but it didn't work. So she huffed giving up and just picked her back up. "Hey Bey, give me one second."

I nodded as she walked past me and waited until she came back. My eyes went to the pictures all around the fridge smiling small. Her family is so adorable and loving. They have the most amazing bond although her parents aren't together anymore.

"Ok. I just wanted to have a talk. Let you in on some things that happened without your knowledge. And I know you may be upset, but you have to understand my point of view, okay?"

I hated hearing that someone needs to talk to me. It makes me feel like i'm in big trouble.

"You had a baby?" I blurted out the first thing came to mind. It would surprise me if she didn't because that pink door said otherwise. If only I could've gotten a better look at the picture across it.

"Well..... something like that but-"

"Oh god, Onika. You're breaking my heart more and more every day. By who?"

"You, but-"

"You had my baby and didn't tell me!" That made my eyes go wide before noticing hers fill with tears. She huffed like she was getting annoyed before I calmed down. She did say I needed to hear her out first so.... "I'm sorry... continue."

"I had your baby Beyonce but.... she was stillborn... I didn't want to tell you I was pregnant over the phone, that's why I was begging you to come back that first year. You just weren't trying to hear it. And when you said you were coming that one time, I was so excited to show you my growing belly. But you never showed up. Stopped answering me for weeks and Bey that broke my heart. By then I was 5 months and everything was moving so fast. That's when you did it again. Said you were coming but never did. The same day I went off on you is the same day I went into labor. I was excited once again, until there was an emergency and my baby wasn't alive when she came out.... That right there is why I wasn't talking to you for a bit. But then I had to make myself realize that I can't be so upset with you. You were in your prime with your career, you had a lot on your plate.

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