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Onika lucky she love her friend. I so bad wanted to tell Redd she couldn't come. Especially after Robyn told me all she did about not really being on that level with her. I'd rather have just Lana here with her. But.... whatever for Rosemary.

When her friend get heartbroken I don't wanna get yelled at, none of that shit. It's not my damn fault. Cause they be quick to blame the person plus their friends. Like damn.

We're about to get ready to land, so i'm waking her up so we can buckle in. She's the only one sleep right now and everyone else is already seated. Leave it to Onika to be the only one and not give a fuck.

"Come on, you gotta get up mama."

"I'm hungry." She grumbled while rolling over and I shook my head. Hungry ass. I grabbed her a snack when we went to the front and we buckled in. She laid her head on my shoulder while eating the cheez-itz.

By time we actually landed she was sleep again. It was funny when the jet shook a little, she jumped up so damn fast. I was trying my best not to laugh out at her. She had a pout on her face while getting up.

"I don't wanna ride on this anymore."

"Baby it was nothing."

"We shook."

"We're landing." I kissed her forehead before going to get her stuff from the room. We let Julius take our bags to the van first before getting off.

Onika and Lana were doing the fool over being hungry. I wanted to knock their heads together, seriously. They act like we didn't just step off a damn jet. Just want to give us a headache.

It's not even many fast food places here. That I know of. I haven't been here in a minute so. Most places are family owned restaurants.

"You want McDonalds?"

"Beyoncé stop talking to me. I don't want no fucking McDonalds every time i'm hungry."

"Ok angry ass, stay starving." I mumbled as we got in, getting situated before pulling off. Lana was getting her ass handed to her on the other side, it was hilarious. Only cause Robyn was dead ass serious. Now that I pay attention I can honestly see the difference in how she treat Lana and Redd.

If this was Redd acting a fool, she would've gotten ignored. But here's Lana getting all the attention.

"Bruh stop somewhere. Any fucking where, before I have to choke her ass out dude."

I chuckled telling Julius to go to this cheesesteak place. It's really good and it'll get them full. Onika sitting here with a mug on her face, she know not to do too much.

"You didn't even ask what we wanted."

"Don't start with me." I just shook my head not even looking at her. I'm not even about to play with her. She know I don't even play with her like that. "Do you want a cheesesteak?"

Her shoulders shrugged and I leaned over in her face. She was trynna avoid looking at me but I raised my eyebrows at her.

"Answer me. Do you want it or not?"

"I don't care." She mumbled with a pout.

"If you don't want it tell me mama and i'll find something else for you. Don't sit here with no attitude. Remember this trip is for you."

"It's okay."

"Alright. Fix your face." I pecked her lips and sat back. She not finna have no type of attitude at all on this trip. This is her birthday gift, we need nothing but happiness from her. I could care less what anyone else feels.

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