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I was going to see Mama this morning but she said she wanted to see Onika. We haven't talked in like two days because I guess she's upset with me. Oh well. We gotta be more careful shit. If that mean no more raw dick, then no more. I'm hurt about it too but... whatever.

She don't want a kid, so we gotta take precautions that won't give us a kid. Simple as that. Ain't nobody got time for her little shits. If she got pregnant and did something I didn't like, I wouldn't be happy about it. So it's best we avoid that until she's ready to decide.

I'm just gonna show up to Mamas without her. Just make an excuse about her being busy or some shit. Something! I was on the way there now, picking up some food. Surprisingly she isn't cooking this morning, so I might as well feed her.

After getting the breakfast I pulled up to her house and Solo opened the door. She walked right off after saying hi and I frowned. Where's the jumping on me and kissing? I guess I been here long enough, she doesn't miss me much anymore. That's still not like her though.



"You good, what's wrong?" I walked in and locked the door behind me.

"Nothing, i'm just about to go lay back down."

I nodded watching her keep going before making my way to Mama room. Something definitely wrong with her ass. But if she don't wanna tell me that's fine. I'm not gonna force her. That's her business.


"Hey baby." She sat up from the bed and gave me a hug. I sat the food on her legs, letting her get out what was hers. I'm just so surprised that she's not cooking...that's like such a shocker. Everybody know that when they come to Tina house she either cooking or already cooked. "Ou yes you got some honey."

"Why you not cooking Ma?"

"Girl i'm tired. Don't nobody wanna get up every morning to cook, shit." She mumbled tearing the honey packet open with her teeth. I just chuckled getting in the bed with her and taking my food out. Solange isn't in the best mood but I did text her and let her know her food was down here. Hopefully whatever it is isn't too bad and she's just not in the mood. I understand.

Surprisingly she came, getting in the bed making Mama scoot to the middle. She acted like she was annoyed with us in here, but she know if we leave she'll be in her feelings. Better gone on with that. She'll swear we don't love her cause we're older.

We watched whatever show she had on while eating. The way that food has me so full, I didn't even think about getting out her bed. Just put my trash on the side and laid down. A nap can be gratefully appreciated.

"Aht! Don't go to sleep, where's Onika?" Mama popped my forehead and I smacked my lips. She sent me a glare making me change my face. I'm not trynna be hit again. But why she worried about seeing Onika?

"She was busy Mama."

"Liar. Call her."

"Mcht, Mama i'm not calling her." I mumbled trying to lay back down and she hit me again. Bruh! Why she wanna talk to her so bad!? It ain't nothing important. Acting like she know something that I don't.

But then again Mama be having dreams and shit. My friends used to say she was a witch when we were little. I hated when they would say that. But it's damn near true.

"What you dream about?" Solo asked before I could and I gave her a look. It gotta be something cause she's never just did the most about talking to Onika. If I say she's busy she'll let it go.

"What makes you think-"

"That's the only time you do all this."

"Don't worry about what I had a dream about."

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