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I rolled over to Onika, being woken up by the ringing of her phone. She was so knocked out, i'm sure she didn't even hear it. It's been ringing for so damn long. Her phone isn't my business, which is why I haven't grabbed it.

But i'm about to wake her up cause this shit is annoying.

"Rosemary." I shook her face and that seemed to get her up. She jumped hard and cursed under her breath when she saw me. The ringing cut off but came again and she rushed looking for it under the covers.

I sighed in relief when she found the damn thing and answered it. My eyes closed back as she got out the bed. The headache is coming through me like a ton of bricks. Swear. We had a really fun time last night. I'm sure everyone is thinking about sleeping in.

"What are you talking about? Were you there?"

Hearing her confused tone, I peeked one of my eyes open. She stood there biting at her nail, staring at nothing. Damn, was she that drunk? Couldn't have been. Plus no one extra came besides the ones she knew about before she even got drunk off her ass. And after I ate her out, she was out of there.

"So how do you assume something like that, G?"

G? I remember somebody named Game being brought up last night. Maybe that's the dude that she said "i wouldn't say there's somebody else but i wouldn't say there's not somebody else." Confusing ass.

"Chyna told you what?"

She left out the room and I sighed closing my eyes back. I'm so tired, I don't even know what time we went to sleep last night. All I know is that it was late as fuck. Like so late. She was sleeping so hard, I didn't even try to get up for the restroom. When I say tight grip...I mean tight.

I need some sleep.

Man....I slept good as fuck in this girl bed. She stayed up, but I was hitting the Z's. Now it sounds like everyone is awake. I got up and brushed my teeth with the toothbrush sitting on the counter for me. How nice of her. Even while arguing on the phone she thought about me.

Then I went downstairs with everyone else. They all looked a mess. Like they slept for years and just now waking up. I chuckled at Robyn because she looked upset. Either her sleep was disturbed or she's hungry as hell. Either or.

"What's up?"

"They ass been arguing for the longest."


"Onika and whoever that is." She nodded towards the living room and I looked over the counter to see a tall guy. Big as shit. Chyna was over there with them, but they weren't saying anything right now. Just giving each other death glares like it would off the next. If looks could kill though...

I shrugged before turning back to Robyn. She just shook her head. It smelled like breakfast was cooked so I went to the stove. There was cinnamon rolls in the oven. Yes. I'm too hungry. Thank goodness I didn't throw up from the alcohol.

The sound of a door slamming made me look at them again and Onika rolled her eyes before coming towards the kitchen.

"Chyna bitch you messy as fuck, I ought to slap you!"

"I don't even remember talking to him last night Nika."

"And that's how I know you meant to be a messy. I'm not fucking with you today."

They came back in the kitchen and Onika opened the stove. She looked slightly upset, but at the same time like she didn't give a damn. I ate the fuck out her pussy last night. It felt so good. Only reason we stopped is cause she heard Redd laugh real loud.

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