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My birthday is tomorrow!!! I'm super excited. This whole trip i've been really happy and ready for everything. My baby really did her thing with this, she deserves some good head for a month straight. Promise i'll do it.

After the pigs yesterday we came back and just chilled around. I had damn near drowned I didn't even wanna do anything else but chill. We'd ate some good food, I went to sleep after that.

Now it's the next day and I think Bey has something planned today too. I'm a little nervous to see todays because she said being on the boat was the simplest thing. Those pigs was a little extreme so....

But I do wanna go shopping out here. Just see what kind of stuff they have and if i'll like it. Gotta have a souvenir. She's giving me the time of my life, it's very memorable. I love making memories with her.

"Gimme kiss."

"Mm." She puckered her lips for me and I just kissed around her face while on my phone. I like laying on her like this because I can just kiss her like I like. My lips rested on hers and I kissed whenever I felt like it. "You having fun?" Her hands rubbed up my sides and ass. We're just laid up together. I love our moments like this.

"Yea." I kissed her. I'm posting a picture of us from the other day on the boat. It was so beautiful, that's my favorite thing we've done. Just full of so much emotion and expression. We talked about a lot. "I love it all baby, I love you." Kissing her, I stuck my tongue out and licked her lips too. She chuckled, not even stopping me. I love her.

Her hands stayed bouncing my butt and rubbing me, it was comfortable. I took a video of me constantly kissing her face and lips before putting it in my close friends. They could see her rubbing on me in the back some. Such goals, I love us.

My phone started ringing as we laid there and it was my mom facetiming me. She's been asking to send pictures, I forgot. Damn, she finna curse me out.

"Fuck." I answered with a smile, still laying on Bey. All Momma could see was her hair. "Hi Mommy."

"Don't hey Mommy me. Where's my pictures!?"

"I'm sorry, i'm gonna send them as soon as we-"

"Send them while we're on the phone. Can't trust you."

"Ok Momma." I chuckled going to her messages and sending the pictures. There's a lot for it to only be night three and two activities. But she was cooing at them.

"Look at my babies! You guys look so good here. What was this one with the classy like black dress?"

"It was a sunset dinner cruise ma. I enjoyed it a whole lot, that's my favorite so far."

"Ou chile are those pigs?" Her voice dropped making Bey laugh from under me. Momma is who doesn't mess with anything. I had an exception with the pigs but she won't let anything slide. She'll fuck something up. "And you just-a playing wit em. Eh Nic."

"Ma don't do that! They were cute and it was funnn. You see the video of them chasing me!?"

"Yea I also see the video of ya ass dipping under water like you can swim. Bey cut that camera quick." She laughed at me so hard. It wasn't even that funny. The way I dipped was hilarious though, i'll give it that. "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself then baby. I'm proud of you."

"Thank you Mommy."

"Tell her I said hi." Bey smacked my thigh and I hissed.

"Bey said hey Momma."

"Where is she?" She looked confused in the screen. Better stop looking so hard.

"She right here." I put the camera on her hair. Momma smacked her lips and gave me a look. Oh well, this my baby I can lay on her.

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