Chapter 1 - First Day at LAMDA

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Character information - please note, everything about Joseph's background I have made up! High school names I have also made up.

Lucy Harris - 18
Lucy, the youngest child out of two, had just graduated from high school and had received a scholarship to study drama at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art. She had never had a private school education but had worked and put all her efforts in to her schoolwork in the hopes of pursuing her dream of one day becoming an actress. Her father was a mechanic and her mother was an aged care nurse. They always had food on the table and a roof over their heads, but could never afford to send their children to a private school.

Lucy has an older brother called Ben who is currently 21. Lucy recently moved out of home into a small two bedroom, two bathroom apartment with her best friend from high school Nicole "Nikki" Carmichael and Nicole's pet tarantula, that's right a tarantula, called Thing.
Lucy currently works as a bar tender near her apartment in an Irish pub called Fitzgeralds.

Oliver Blake - 18
Oliver graduated from a different high school. He had grown up with a somewhat privileged upbringing. His parents were both successful and well know actors and their two sons Oliver and David always went to the best available schools. Oliver does not currently have a job and lives in a townhouse owned by his parents with his brother.

Joseph Quinn - 18
Joseph also graduated from a different high school. Joseph's mother was a primary school teacher and his father was a carpenter. Joseph is currently working in a Tesco supermarket. He currently still lives with his parents but is looking to move out soon.

Story Beginning


I was absolutely shitting myself at the thought of attending LAMDA! Me! Little, plain and ordinary Lucy Harris was going to LAMDA! When I think of all the extraordinary people who had attended there and gone on to have absolutely stellar careers and they accepted me!

I had been dreaming of being an actress for as long as I could remember. I was always putting on plays I had written for my family and my friends and I always imagined one day being on stage or in an Oscar winning movie. And the day had come. I was finally taking my first hesitant little steps on my way to making my dream a reality. It meant catching two trains each way every day but I would crawl there on my hands and knees if I had to.

I was currently sitting in an auditorium surrounded by other new students as we waited for the beginning of orientation. I had a notebook and a pen open on my lap ready to take notes if I needed to. I looked around at the other students, nervously chewing on my bottom lip. I still had it in my head that when these people found out I was here on a scholarship I would somehow be shunned and ridiculed. I had my ear buds in whilst we were waiting to begin, Foo Fighters "Everlong" playing in my ears. This was my feel good song. I jumped as I felt someone tap me on the shoulder and I turned to see a boy with a cheeky grin and dark brown eyes.

"Sorry! I snuck up on you then didn't I? Is anyone sitting here?" He pointed at the empty seat next to me. I smiled, pulled my ear buds out and said "no go ahead." He sat down and put his backpack on the floor in front of him then turned to me and held a hand out. "I'm Joseph, Joseph Quinn but please call me Joe." "Lucy Harris. Nice to meet you. You just starting today too?" "Yes and I'm so fucking nervous!" I laughed at that. "Sorry! When I'm nervous I have absolutely zero filter between my brain and my mouth." I laughed again. "I feel you Joe. I'm shitting myself too. There's so many people here!" He smiled at that.

"So Lucy, you're from London?" "Mhmm. Born and raised. You?" "Same. I just graduated from St. Christopher's. You?"

Shit. He was going to work out already I'm a scholarship student. "South Hampstead Secondary." "Ahh. You here on a scholarship?" I hesitated to answer and bit my bottom lip. He smiled reassuringly. "It's ok! That gives you an advantage! Means you worked your arse off to get here! The rest of us need to catch up!" I smiled back at him. He really did have kind eyes and such a friendly smile.

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