Chapter 33 - Giverny

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I would be home in 10 days. For now I was in France. Giverny to be exact. I'd promised my mum I'd visit Monet's garden for her so here I was. And it was incredibly humbling to see his home, his studio, that particular bridge over the pond with those particular water lilies all of which he'd painted countless times each.

Mum loved art so this was a must visit. She'd love it here. I was determined to come back one day with her and dad. I'd taken about a thousand photos on my phone for her and for now I was content to just sit alone in the sun watching the light dance on the surface of the pond.

This trip was the best idea I'd ever had. I felt so peaceful and so anxiety free. I'd met some amazing people, seen some amazing sights and made some friends who I knew would be friends for life. I'd travelled all through Croatia, Slovenia and Romania with Bobby and our tour group before we separated for him to head home whilst I went on to Spain, Portugal and now France.

I was ready to go home though. It was time. I missed Camille, I missed my parents, I missed my friends. And my two best friends just got engaged. I was honestly over the moon for them. There'd always be a bit of a pull when I looked at her. I'd always feel a pang. But it was time for me to let go. They were the love of each others lives and if she had to be with anyone else I'm glad it was Ollie.

Sarah and Louisa were already hard at work planning the engagement party for their children which was meant to be in a month at Sarah and Richards country house. Apparently it was going to be a similar set up to Ollie's 21st, hopefully minus Ollie throwing up on the floor from being too drunk.

I'd been racking my brain on what to get them for an engagement present. They didn't NEED anything. They'd lived together for over two years so they didn't need help furnishing a house. But then it dawned on me. I knew exactly what to get them! But I'd need help once I got home. Specifically from Julian, our teacher from LAMDA.


Joe would be home in 6 days. I couldn't wait to see him and hug him but Ollie was positively giddy with excitement knowing his "boyfriend" was coming home. Even more so than Camille I think. We were excited for him to meet Freddie also. Our little pup had brought so much happiness in to the townhouse. He toilet trained easily so we'd only had a few little accidents. One of which was in David's slipper which he didn't realise until he out his feet in them one morning.

He slept in his own little bed in mine and Ollie's room every night but most mornings we would wake up to find he'd snuck on to our bed during the night and shoved himself in between us. He was an absolute joy though. I'd referred to Joe as a golden retriever puppy before and it was entirely accurate. Adorable, goofy and easily excitable. Maybe that's why I already loved my Freddie so much.

Mine and Ollie's engagement party would take place in a few weeks at Sarah and Richards. I was so nervous. It would be a huge affair and I would be one of the guests of honour this time so I couldn't just blend in to the background like I wanted. And I was dreading seeing Olivia again. She would be on the guest list along with her parents and I was terrified I wouldn't be able to control myself and say something I shouldn't.

Or head butt her.

We didn't tell Richard and Sarah the extent of her behaviour or her unkind words about my family. This was per my request as I didn't want to upset them by dividing them from their friends. Olivia's parents were genuinely lovely people. They just had an absolute classless bitch for a daughter.

I had an absolutely KILLER dress. Insisted upon by Camille, Hannah and Nikki. I wanted to wear the gold dress I wore for Ollie's 21st. But the girls reminded me it would only give Olivia ammunition against me if I were to recycle an outfit. That made me uncomfortable. I was naturally a frugal person and had never been the type to buy a brand new dress anytime I had a special event. Nikki calmed me down eventually. She reminded me I was marrying a Blake and there were certain appearances that needed to be upheld.

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