Chapter 57 - It's always been you Luce

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The day after Billy's birthday I woke up with a grin on my face. Last night felt like a dream. The best dream. I'd told her I loved her. She told me she was falling for me. Oh god and the kissing! The kissing! It was more amazing than I could ever imagine! Her lips were petal soft against mine, her body moulded against mine perfectly, those soft little moans and whimpers she let out were music to my ears.

Nikki knew exactly what was going on as soon as we ran back inside out of the rain. Hopefully when we got back to London later today someone would be able to take Billy for us so we could talk. I wanted to do this properly and take this slow. I knew Lucy hadn't been intimate with anyone since Ollie died and I wanted to worship her mind, body and soul like she deserved. But I wasn't going to rush this. It was all I'd wanted for years and I wasn't going to spoil it by rushing in to anything.

I leapt out of bed with a spring in my step and got dressed quickly heading down to the kitchen to see who else was up. When I walked in to the kitchen there she was. She was the only person up other than Billy who she was feeding in the high chair. She glanced up and blushed when she saw me. "Morning Joe" she said softly. "Good morning Darling". She blushed harder and bit her lip when I walked towards her and pressed a long kiss to her soft cheek.

She turned her head and her mouth met mine. Our lips moved in unison, our mouths opening slightly to allow our tongues to tangle together. I could feel us both almost get swamped by the kiss before Billy let out an indignant little screech at being made to wait for the rest of his breakfast. We both laughed as we drew apart and she went back to feeding Billy. "I could kiss you forever Luce." I gave her one more swift kiss and pulled away. Perfect timing because five seconds later the door flung open and in walked David and Erin, both heading straight to the coffee pot.

"Hey! You two disappeared last night! Did you get caught in the storm?" David asked us. Lucy and I glanced at each other, she blushed as I said "yeah we both found each other running back to the house. We were both drenched." I glanced back at Lucy and saw her blush deepening. Erin was studying us both over her coffee mug with a smirk on her face. Shit. She knows. How does she know? Are we really that obvious?

Lucy stood and took Billy's dishes to the sink rinsing them out before putting them in the dishwasher. She wouldn't make eye contact with any of us. She unbuckled Billy from his high hair and said "come on buddy. Let's get you dressed." As she walked out of the kitchen with Billy on her hip David said "is she ok? She didn't speak a word to us then." Erin glanced at me and then said "I'm sure she's fine. She's probably just tired." "I'm getting in the shower." David walked out of the kitchen and Erin's eyes snapped back to mine.

"Right. Spill it." "I don't know what you mean." "Bullshit! Tell me everything! I won't tell David I promise! I know this must be weird!" I grinned and bit my lip. "Oh my god you guys banged didn't you?!" "What?! No! Nothing like that! It was just kissing. A lot of kissing." "I KNEW something was up with you two! You both bloody made it obvious enough!" "We found each other out walking last night and it happened. We told each other how we feel. We need to sit down and talk about it properly when we get home today and there isn't a crowd watching our every move. Please don't tell anyone yet. It'll come out I know. But we need to talk about it first." "I promise. Joe I'm happy for you. Both of you. I know that he would be happy that it's you."

I knew she meant Ollie. That was one of my main concerns. I kind of felt like I was stepping on my best friends toes by falling in love with his wife. But I hope that wherever Ollie is now, he knows I'm going to love her and protect her and Billy with everything I've got.


Holy fucking shit. He loves me. Like he actually loves me. Every kiss with Joe felt better than the last one. When I saw him enter the kitchen this morning and saw that grin my heart skipped a beat.

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