Chapter 11 - How do we handle this?

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When I saw what was on Nikki's phone my heart sank. Her phone was open on an online article from The Sun that had popped up overnight. An article with photos from last night of me dancing with the girls, sitting on Ollie's lap kissing him, Ollie and I kissing on the dance floor, and the article was so incredibly distastefully written.


Oliver Blake, youngest son of actors Sir Richard and Lady Sarah Henderson-Blake was spotted partying at multiple pubs and nightclubs in London. He was believed to be celebrating his birthday with friends, his brother David was also in attendance.

Blake was spotted getting hot and heavy with an unknown fan whose clothing left very little to the imagination as pictured below.

The article then continued on, speculating about Ollie's personal life and our relationship. Some of the comments left after the article were slut shaming me for what I was wearing and saying I only hooked up with him for his family's fame and money.

Did I really look like a slut last night? My pants were tight but they went to my ankles and I wore a high necked top. The most skin I had on display was my arms. Even my shoulders were covered!

I handed Nikki back her phone, buried my face in my hands and began to sob quietly. "Oh babe!" Ollie leapt up out of my bed and crossed the room to me quickly, wrapping his arms around me and holding me tight. I heard Nikki yell "OH MY GOD!" and cover her eyes. Ollie had forgotten he was naked. He grabbed a pair of his boxer shorts off the floor and pulled them on before leading me to my bed and sitting me down.

"I'll go make her some tea." Nikki left my bedroom just as Joe came bursting in. Joe was here? "Don't look at the-....fuck you've seen it". I continued sobbing in to Ollie's chest as he wrapped his arms around me again. "Why would people say things like that? People who have never met me? And I was almost completely covered!" I covered my face with my hands again as Ollie continually pressed kisses against my hair.

"Sweetheart you are NOT a slut. You are NOT a random from a nightclub. You are NOT with me for my family. I know that. You know that. My family knows that. Your family knows that. Joe knows that. I love you you hear me?"

Joe took my hands away from my face and held them in his. "Luce I'm so sorry. I saw the article when I woke up on your couch this morning and tried to pre-warn you. And Ollie's right you know?"

My bottom lip trembled and Nikki re-entered my bedroom with a mug of tea for me. She sat on the floor in front of me and rested her chin on my knee looking up at me. "Lucy Charlotte Harris you're my best friend and I know that nothing in that article was even remotely accurate. And you are not a slut. You looked fucking incredible last night!"

Just then Ollies phone rang. It was his dad, Richard. "Hi dad. Hang on I'm putting you on speaker. Ok go ahead." "Have you and Lucy looked at the internet today?" My bottom lip began to tremble and I felt the sobs start to wrack my body again. I climbed off Ollie's lap so I wasn't sobbing right in to the phone. Joe wrapped an arm around my shoulders and held me close as Nikki wrapped her arms around my legs in a cuddle.

"Yeah dad we just saw it." Ollie sounded crushed. His family must be so humiliated. And it's my fault. "We're not standing for this! This is humiliating!" I took a deep breath and tried to control my breathing before saying "Richard I'm so sorry. I never meant to bring shame on your family. I shouldn't have dressed like I did and Ollie and I should've kept our hands to ourselves in public. I'm honestly so incredibly sorry".

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