Chapter 66 - Overwhelmed

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I heard a deep British voice behind me. "Oh so YOU'RE Eddie Munson!" I turned to see a blonde man with longish hair and a cheeky smile.

My eyes widened when I realised who was standing mere feet away from. He held his hand out and said "I'm Jamie. Nice to meet you." I helped my hand out and shook his stuttering slightly as I squeaked out "hi! I know who you are. You're Jamie Campbell Bower!" He chuckled and shook my hand. "The one and only." "You're a brilliant guitarist!" "You're here as an actor but know me as a musician? I'm sorry I didn't get your name."

Joseph you moron. Great first impression Quinn.

"Shit sorry. Joseph Quinn. Please call me Joe." "Great to meet you Joe. Where are you from?" "London. Born and raised." "Me too! I live in America on and off for jobs though. Hey listen we still have half an hour until we need to be in there. I'm going to duck out for a cigarette." "My eyes lit up and I shook my own packet at him. He grinned and said "oh thank god! No one smokes anymore and I'm always half tempted to quit! Gets lonely being the only smoker sometimes!"

After Jamie and I found the smoking area outside we both lit up and inhaled with satisfaction. "So what's Joe Quinn's story? Girlfriend? Boyfriend? Any weird fetishes?" I choked out a laugh through my smoke before saying "girlfriend. No weird fetishes other than being completely obsessed with her." "Are you in love Joe?" "Madly. I've loved her for years. We've only been together for six months or so though. She's been one of my best friends since we were 18." "Do you have a photo of her? Look, this is my Jess. We've been together a year now. She's my little weirdo and I love her."

Jamie showed me a photo of his girlfriend he had as his wallpaper on his phone. "She's beautiful mate. That's some amazing ink she's got!" "Yeah she's covered in them." I pulled out my phone and showed him my wallpaper. A photo of Lucy and I with Billy and Freddie. Jamie's mouth dropped open in shock and he turned to me with wide eyes.


He's British.

Of course he knows who she is.

"You're dating her?! Oliver Blake's widow?!" I winced at that. The mention of Ollie's name still brought on an unbearable wave of sadness. He must've seen my expression because he said "sorry mate. That was really insensitive of me. Shit that was rude." "It's ok. It's a tricky situation I know. Please keep it to yourself for now. We're still in our own happy media free bubble at home." "I understand. did this happen? How did you meet?"

I then told Jamie everything. I'd met him 20 minutes ago and yet I felt so comfortable with him. Around him I had the same feeling that I did meeting Ollie and Lucy all those years ago on our first day at LAMDA. "Joe I don't know what to say. I really am incredibly sorry about Oliver. I know it's been ages and sorry doesn't fix anything in the grand scheme of things but I really am sorry. He sounds like he was an incredible person." "He really was. The most generous, funny, kind hearted person. And he doted on Lucy. Absolutely worshipped the ground she walked on."

"I remember watching the court case and hoping he'd get justice. Joe I'm really happy for you. She's absolutely beautiful obviously. And little Billy is adorable. Looks just like his dad." I smiled at that. "He's the spitting image of Ollie. As soon as Lucy gave birth and I saw him all I could see was Oliver." "Wow you were at the birth?!" "Yes. Lucy wanted me and her best friend Nikki who happens to be a midwife, along with her mum and Ollie's mum in there. I didn't see....anything. I stayed up near her head and in the end was sitting on the bed with her in between my legs to prop her up. I stayed with her all through her pregnancy. She was only 12 weeks when Ollie was killed. Then I kept staying with her after she gave birth, Camille and I split up when Billy was a newborn. Camille is with Lucy's brother Ben now." "What?!" "I know. It shouldn't make sense but it does. Lucy and I told each other how we feel on Billy's 1st birthday. The rest is history."

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