
6.8K 99 69

Location: Utah, USA.

"Vienna? Can you work tomorrow from 2am to 12pm?"

I turned around to see my stupid boss's face....
"But- I can't do that shift..."

"If you don't accept it I'll have to fire you." She said to me while chewing her disgusting gum that maybe has been in her mouth for 2 days.

"But- okay." I said.

"Alright, no hourly raise and I need you to finish up in there and clean the bathrooms." She said as she  turned around and left.

I looked at the amount of stuff I had left to put away on the supermarket shelves. You may be wondering who Vienna is? And why we are working in a supermarket.....

Well- Vienna Myers, a false identity I had to create so that my enemies or any enemy association could not detect me or my unit.

We work in a supermarket as part of this fake life. My real name is Maely Charlinette Callahan...my code name is 'Charlie' and I am part of the Ghosts.

Just one last name...no one knows my real paternal last name and no one ever will. Only my unit and my mother, may she rest in peace, know my first last name. My father, one of my greatest enemies and the enemy of an entire nation...it's surely dead to me.

After the Federation day mission, we all started to have a lot of problems. Our identities were very close to being revealed and many people had to die. We had to create false identities and disappear from the radar for a while.

No one knows who we are and no one knows where we are...we may even be your shadow or even related to you...but you will never know. That's our job, all clean, quiet and perfect.

After I finished doing my job in the supermarket shelves, I finished cleaning the bathroom. I went to checked out and get my belongings....

"Vienna?" I heard my workmate male voice.

I turned around as I grabbed my things- "yes?" I asked him with the most perfect voice and smile.

"Are you free on Saturday? They opened a new restaurant in town...I don't know if you wanted to go with me to try it out. My treat." My workmate
told me.

His name is Ivan Morales, he's Peruvian, he's been living in the United States for 6 years, his mother and father were deported and he has a little daughter named Rosa....

Don't looked at me like that...okay...it's a habit, I need to know who is around me. Blame my commander.

Going back to Ivan, he has been trying hard to date me since I started working at the supermarket. He's very attracted to me.

"I- I really can't. I'm moving apartments that exact day. Another time maybe." I told him with a smile, I started walking until he blocked my exit.

I held my purse tightly- inside this one I have a Glock 19 with a 17 round capacity. In case of emergency I could shoot him in his weakest point...his left foot. If I didn't have time to shoot, behind my lower back I have my belt with my Ontario 497 Mark 3 Navy Fixed Blade Knife, with it I can stab him in his low throat near his chest, he will die slowly.

But- I can't prove that I know how to fight a person in a combative manner. I can't let them know who I am.

I stepped back in 'fear' , as expected, Ivan became concerned and raised his hands in a form of peace as he lay on one side- "sorry! I didn't mean to scare you."

"No, don't worry. We'll talk later, yes?" I lightly patted his shoulder with a smile.

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Arriving at my humble apartment which was rated average for a low paid person like Vienna...I took off my shoes while leaving my keys and wallet on the front table.

But - I noticed something strange...the window that you can see from the entrance hallway which is actually located in the living room of the apartment, before I left to work, I left it half open and now it was completely closed and the curtains were closed as well.

I quickly took my gun and started to walk slowly, one advantage was that I was in socks, it made it impossible to hear my footsteps but the disadvantage is that I walk in socks...I can slip easily.

I walked to the living room- "whoever is in there better come out, I'm fully armed." I said.

"Me too." A thick male voice said to me but this voice is familiar.

I looked to the corner of the room and there it was- "Hesh Walker." I said lowering my gun.

David 'Hesh' Walker, my teammate and very good friend. He was sitting in an armchair in the corner of the room that basically the darkness made him invisible.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

Hesh slowly stood up as he put his index finger to his mouth- "shhh shhh" that was his cue.

He took from the coffee table in the living room a plastic bowl and put his phone in and shook his hand for me to give him mine. I took my phone from my pocket and handed it to him.

Hesh put the phone along with his phone in the bowl and covered it up and left it in the living room. He took me by the hand and led me to my room.

"Maely, it's been a long time. How have you been?" he asked me as he closed the door.

"I've been worse and you?" I asked sitting on my bed.


We stood looking at each other for a few seconds- "why are you here?" I asked again.

Hesh was in his black uniform but he didn't have his mask on- "oh! That's right!" Hesh opened the front pocket of his bulletproof vest and pulled out a satellite phone. He dialed a number and passed it to me.

"Here" he said passing me the phone.

I took it and put it to my ear- "Hello?" I asked.

"Maely Callahan, how are you?" Commanding Officer Merrick's voice came on.

"Very well, sir. What's the reason for this call?" I asked.

"We're back in action. I need you ASAP at Task Force 141 base. There's a chopper that will be picking you and Hesh up in five hours. I'll be waiting for you." Merrick said and hang up.

I handed the phone to Hesh.

"Well?" Hesh asked with a smile.

"We're back."

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{⚠️Next chapters, tomorrow, I tried to do the second chapter but I'm very tired and I'm very sleepy, so tomorrow I'll be posting 2 or 3 chapters. I love you all🥹❤️}

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