"Fuck off"

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"And you're always either in trouble or causing trouble, schatz (sweetheart)." König said laughing too.

König entered the ambulance and laid me gently on the stretcher. The ambulance was part of König's base hospital so the two paramedics were soldiers as well.

They began to gently remove my bulletproof vest so that it would hurt less but it was impossible not to complain of pain. They lifted my uniform and my compression shirt, leaving my entire abdomen bare.

"Does it hurt?" The paramedic asked as he squeezed my sides.

"F-fuck! Yes!" I yelled back.

"We'll give you some morphine for the pain." The paramedic told me as he prepared the injection.

I agreed with my head and felt König grab my arm...I let him take my arm...he intertwined his fingers with mine.

The paramedic injected me with morphine. They kept checking my pulse, heart rate etc. while König lay there listening to everything as he held my hand in his.

Then everything started to get blurry and heavy...so I fell asleep because of the morphine.

/ /

König's pov:

After arriving at the base, they rushed Maely to the emergency room for various tests. After several hours we were informed that she was in no danger and was in stable condition.

Her diagnosis was a fractured rib on her right side, bruises and slight trauma to her chest and back, and bruises on her right wrist and neck. Her recovery could take 6 weeks or less, depending on how long she cooperated in her recovery.

It was all my fault. I thought she was an enemy. Although I had my suspicions while fighting with her...the way the martial arts she used were very familiar but I never thought it was really her.

Good thing she recognized me and stopped me because otherwise I would have killed her, although it was not easy and she also had a lot of resistance.

My superior communicated with the superiors of Ghosts unit and Task Force regarding this accident. Which we clearly did not expect.

I was sitting right next to Maely's bed watching her chest rise and fall after breathing. I had Maely's hand in mine...I still can't believe that all these injuries were caused by me.

I don't even know how to apologize to her. I have been trying to find and form a good apology while she sleeps but I don't know what to say to her...I have no idea if she will want to talk to me after all this.

Then the door to the hospital room opened and Hesh, Keegan, Logan, Neptune and Kick walked in.

But there were more soldiers, 3 men and two women. I had already seen them in the hotel lobby, they are from task force 141.

"König, my friend. How are you?" Logan greeted me with a smile.

I stood up and greeted him-"I'm fine and you guys?"

"We've been worse but clearly we're better than Charlie." Logan said as he laughed.

"Bro, shut up if you don't want to disappear." Hesh said giving him a small slap on the back.

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