"Core memory"

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Hesh's pov:

After the mission, we all returned to the base...although there were several soldiers who died, others were seriously wounded including Melina, Neptune and Maely...and others disappeared...like Kick.

I woke up the same night after the mission, next to me was my brother with tears of happiness because I was awake.

Logan explained me everything that had happened since I was unconscious. He explained me the situation Maely and the others were in.

Neptune lost his left leg...Melina fractured her left arm along with several chest traumas but the one who was really still in critical condition was Maely.

Her injuries had been very serious since falling from the helicopter but she also had more injuries from before when she had fallen from the window.

Right now she's in a coma, she's stable but she's not breathing on her own. She had suffered a silent seizure, fractured her right ankle, had 3 broken ribs and several traumas from head to chest. She had been shot in the thigh and lost almost 2 liters of blood.

According to the doctor, she must have been in enormous pain since she fell from the window, he said that she was a walking miracle because with injuries like that anyone would have died, in just 2 minutes after the event.

König did not want to visit her because he felt guilty for leaving her there. Just like Logan...Logan said he should never have accepted when she gave up her place in the helicopter.

Thanks to her Melina is alive right now with only simple injuries. I hope she apologizes to Maely as soon as she wakes up.

"Good morning, Walker." The doctor entered the room.

"Good morning." I replied.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling fine. When can I go back to work?" I asked.

"You can come back in two weeks."

"One week." I said.

"Walker- you really aren't ready yet to be able to go back to work like your unit does, you need to focus on your recovery-"

"I don't have time for that. My unit needs me.  There are only two Ghosts in perfect condition, only two! So they need me." I said.

"I understand. But- I can't give you the 'leave'."
I was very upset because I want to go back to work, I need to do something.

"2 weeks only?" I asked.

"Exactly, only two."

"Okay. How is Callahan?" I asked the doctor before he left my room.

"I can't discuss her medical situation with you, because you are not her relative or legal guardian. I can only tell you, she is progressing more each day. She is not in any danger."

"Who is on her list?" I asked.

"Her foster father, Thomas Merrick and her former fiancé who is still active on her legal guardian list, König."

"Thank you very much." I said.

"You're welcome." The doctor came out.

I need to talk to König. The only way I can get into Maely's room is with König. Because I know Merrick won't leave me so I can recover faster.

Since I can't walk, only with crutches, I got up and took my crutches and started to walk to find that damn König.

I walked several places and couldn't find him until I heard someone call out to me- "Hesh?"

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