"The anonymous helper"

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I was afraid of what the letter would say so I decided to read it tomorrow night, since I have the next day off and I'm going to be more in calm.

The next day we were all training again. But the boys and I were used to it. Our bodies didn't hurt or anything, we were fine now.

Hesh and I haven't talked since yesterday...and the whole training he was just focused on training. We always spend time joking or talking but not this time. He only talked to me for training stuff other than that nothing.

I feel a little weird...we've never been like this and it scares me.

Hesh has always been there for me...he has never let me down and I have never let him down. Never.

"Maely, go and get three 45 plates weights." Merrick ordered me.

"Yes sir." I got up off the floor and went towards the gym area of the base to get the weights.

When I walked in I saw Soap, Simon and Gaz working out...Simon was shirtless just like Soap and Gaz. Is this the paradise?🥹

Simon was sweaty and it brought out his very well chiseled chest...and his abs...and his damn V line that was a little hidden by his pants.

"Ah! Callahan! How are you?" I heard someone speak to me. I looked to my left and it was Price.

"Captain Price, I'm very well and you sir?" I replied along with the official salute to him...since he is a captain.

"Ah no no, darling, you don't have to be so formal. I'm fine, thank you for asking. I've never had the time to talk to you! You are a very efficient and very admirable soldier. I'm just saying that if you ever get bored with Ghosts unit, the doors to Task Force 141 are wide open for you." Price told me with a smile.

This man is a sweetheart. My daddy issues are screaming right now.

"Thank you very much, Captain! I'll have you on my list of units that want to recruit me." I told him with a smile.

"Sassy and funny, I like it. I read your file, I can't lie and tell you that I was really impressed with all your accomplishments. Do you know how many confirmed kills you have on your file?" Price asked me very excited.

I'm not used to getting so many positive comments or just praise.

"I don't count them...so I really don't know." I replied.

"809 confirmed kills. That's pretty impressive."

"Well...wow...I didn't expect that. I've literally been all over the place..." I told him with a nervous smile.

"You basically passed Ghost Riley. He's my soldier with the most confirmed kills in Task Force currently...but you beat him."

"And people have the damn guts to go around and say that women are weak." I said to Price with a chuckle.

"Hahhahaha, you know you sound an awful lot like your mother...Adriakna was always strong and proved that women were not weak nor were they slaves to any man...she was an amazing woman...she took your breath away." Price said with a smile.

"You-You knew my mom?" I asked.

"Oh girl...come to my office when you have more time and I'll tell you all about your mother, okay?" Price asked me.

"Okay." I replied with a smile even though he couldn't see it.

Price gave me one last smile and walked away. I got the weights and left to go back to my unit.

Two more hours passed and still Merrick wouldn't let go of us. We were hungry, we had only had breakfast but lunch we didn't have as Merrick wouldn't let go.

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