"hypnotized by you"

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"Do you want to dance?"

He knows how to dance!?

"Show me what you got" I said with a smile.

Ghost took my hand and led me with him to the dance floor, we weren't the only ones on the dance floor...there were several couples.

Ghost put his hand on my waist...and with the other he held my hand....while I brought my other free hand to the back of his neck.

The two of us began to dance softly by the music...our bodies getting closer and closer together each time.....

Ghost's hand on my waist started to pull me closer and closer to him...my breathing was already very fast...and my stomach was tickling....

I stuck my head on his chest...and heard his heart pounding.....

"Is this okay?" I asked without moving from his chest.

"Y-yes..." he was nervous?

/ /

The party remained the same, lots of people talking about their jobs, houses, kids and luxuries. Bullshit.

Ghost went to talk to Gaz to find out about the new orders, since neither shepherd nor any of his toys boys were present at the party.

I was looking from afar at Farah who was drinking wine. She looked pretty upset...I think she and Alex had fought before they got to the party.

I stood up and walked towards her...according to other people's eyes we were two strangers.

"Hi! My name is Hailey Hill, I just moved in." I said sitting down next to her.

Farah gave me a smile- "Thalia Rogers, it's a pleasure." She replied.

"Are you okay?" I asked but out of my role as 'Hailey'.

"Can we talk later?" she asked me.
I looked all around...I shouldn't but I will because I'm worried about Farah.....

"Come with me." I said taking her hand.

"But-" Farah said to me as I took the cup from her hand and put it down on the table.

We started walking to outside Kate's property, to my house across the street.

I opened the door and we went inside. I took off my heels and left them on the stoop and walked to the kitchen along with Farah.

"Tell me about it." I said as I opened a new glass of wine.

I handed Farah a glass and I took mine.
"Alex wants us to have children."

I opened my eyes and almost choked on my wine- "that's good isn't it?" I asked.

"Yes...but no."

"Explain." I said.

Farah let down her hair which was in a ponytail....
"I'm still not ready to quit my job and become a housewife and mother."

"You told him that?" I asked.

"Not exactly like that but I told him that I needed to think about it."

"And was he upset by your answer?" I asked again.


"Don't worry, let him think what he wants. It's your body, your decision and if you're not ready he can't force you to do such a thing until you are. If he really loves you and is sure he wants to start a family with you, he will understand and respect your decision. If he doesn't - then...he's not the one." I said as I finished my glass of wine.

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