"Just for the mission"

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We all went back to the meeting room where the others were waiting for us. I was still quite annoyed with Laswell for her stupid attitudes.

Although Laswell and I have never fought that much...I've known her since I was a little girl. After my mother died at the hands of my father, Thomas and Laswell became my parents figures...but that's a story I'll tell you later.

"Welcome back, Ghosts team." Laswell said as she saw us walk through the door.

We walked to our seats in silence.

"As I was saying- Shepherd has a residence in Sweden. So far we understand it's his getaway residence. We have several photos of Russian leaders and politicians from other countries meeting with Shepherd at this residence." Laswell continued.

Then I felt Hesh grab my hand...I let him and agreed to let him take my hand. He began to play with my palm as we continued to listen to Laswell very intently. Although I felt the intense gaze of someone behind us.

"We will have two couples that will be undercover inside this private estate where Shepherd is located. They will be living for 3 months in these residences pretending to be a happily married, high society couple...they need to blend into this society and keep a very close eye on Shepherd." Laswell Said.

"Who are the couples?" Gaz asked.

"Alex and Farah...Simon and Maely." Laswell replied.
This is going to be quite interesting...3 months together with Ghost, pretending to be his wife? This is on another level already.

I felt Hesh let go of my hand and looked at Laswell sharply-"can couples change?" Hesh asked.

"Eh-why?" Laswell asked.

I grabbed Hesh's shoulder to get him to stop- "Lieutenant Riley, he hates Charlie quite a bit, for the sake of the mission I think it would be better if y'all put me with Charlie." Hesh said.

"I don't hate her, I don't need to be replaced." Ghost answered him.

I turned my head and looked at Ghost..he was holding up the mission papers.

"Now you don't need to be replaced? Then why were you- 4 weeks ago fighting because you wanted Charlie replaced, as your partner? Asshole." Hesh replied without looking at him.

"Hesh- shut up." Keegan said to Hesh.

"I decided to give Charlie a chance." Ghost answered him again.

"No one will be replaced. In the meantime the others will be working from the computers and be like emergency teams in case of an emergency."

"But-" Hesh was about to say but was interrupted- "WALKER!" Merrick yelled at him and gestured for him to leave the meeting along with him.

Hesh got up very upset and walked out along with Merrick.

"Very well...we continue." Laswell resumed everyone's attention.

/ /

After the meeting was over, Laswell asked all of us from Task Force 141 and Ghosts team to stay.

Merrick and Hesh came back, Hesh was upset I could see it in his eyes...but I decided not to bother him anymore and leave him alone.

Price, Laswell and Merrick began to close all the curtains, anything that would show what was going on inside the room and began to cover all the devices that contained a camera.

This smells funny to me.

"Now-we superiors were talking about this important part...of the mission." Laswell began to speak.

"About what?" Farah asked.

"Ghosts team, take off your masks." Merrick ordered us.

We all looked at him-"sir-"

"Take it off and that's an order." Merrick said to us again.

"You too, Riley." Price said to Ghost.
We were all looking at each other...my heart was really racing...I don't want to take off my mask.....

Ghost agreed and took off his mask...as I looked at him...I was shocked...he was beautiful. His hair was brown with a bit of curves, his eyes were a very beautiful brown...and he had a scar that ran from his lower cheek to his chin...it was- it was beautiful and his face gave me a warm reminder of autumn.

"Man! I'd go gay for you- like- how the heck can you be in a mask when you have a face like that?! So the 'quite opposite' thing was real!" Soap started to tease Ghost.

We all started laughing, including Ghost...he was laughing.

"Come on-take off your masks. It's just for the mission, come on." Merrick told us again.

Keegan agreed and took off his mask.... everyone in Task Force 141 , including Price and Laswell were staring at us like children waiting for a surprise.

When they saw Keegan they were surprised...then Neptune and Kick took off their masks.

Then Logan...and Hesh....
It was my turn...I felt my hands shaking...maybe it sounds ridiculous or exaggerated but...my mask was hiding who I am, my traumas and insecurities....

I grabbed the edges of the mask with my thumbs...I inhaled some air and started to pull my mask up to take it off....

Everyone was looking at me...especially Task Force 141, they were curious.

As I took it off, I opened my eyes to see the reaction of the others- "o-m-g...skin care routine NOW!" Farah shouted.

I gave her a smile-"soap and water." I replied.

The Task Force guys were looking at me with their jaws to the floor...I know I'm pretty and very attractive but- I will never accept that other people think the same...I don't know why.

"...don't you have a partner?" Gaz asked as he fixed his throat.

"No, but you do." I said with a smile.
Soap looked at him as he died laughing.

"If I wasn't married and didn't love my wife...I'd take you out on a date, no cap." Soap said.

"Thank you, Thank you." I replied with a smile.

I looked at Ghost and he was staring at me...but his gaze was like he was studying my face...detail by detail...he was surprised and very intrigued...I could tell in his facial movements.

He makes me want to fuck him right now, damn it.

We all stayed talking for quite a while but we talked about things outside of missions...but personal things...we were all getting to know each other.

Hours and hours went by until many decided to leave to eat or take a bath....until Ghost and I were left alone.

We sat there looking at each other....our eyes were speaking more than our words....

We had a long conversation with our eyes...we felt more intimate...without having to touch each other...we understood each other better, without having to talk to each other. We understood each other...because we were the same.

I looked into his eyes for a few more minutes...and I think I found my favorite color in them.....

"I found her..." he said.

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