"You & I"

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Hesh: 20 yrs
Maely: 18 yrs

"COME ON MAELY! RUN FASTER!" Hesh yelled as he laughed and ran without stopping.

"NO IT'S NOT FAIR! YOUR LEGS ARE MORE LONGER THAN MINE!" I yelled as I ran and felt the wind try to stop me.

We were running all over the valley of our lands, we had finished our homeschooling homework, our training and we had also finished giving food to the farm animals.

Hesh got tired of running and threw himself on the ground looking straight up at the sky. I came walking in all sweaty and tired and lay down next to him.

Our chests were rising and falling to the heartbeat of both of us. The wind was drying our sweat little by little as our hair danced to the rhythm of the wind.

"Dad said that we will be sent on our first unsupervised mission soon enough." Hesh said breaking the silence.


"Yes, are you ready?" Hesh asked again.

I stayed quiet for a good solid 3 min. I kept thinking about everything, I'm a little scared...I've spent almost 4 years training for that very moment. I've already taken my oaths and earned my mask...but I still feel a little scared knowing that we were going to be without the physical supervision of Elias or Merrick.

"I think so...and you?" I replied.

"I'm ready."

"Then if you are, so am I, because it's you and I." I said with a smile.

Hesh gave me a smile too...but he stood up a bit leaning on his elbows and stared at me.

I did the same- "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked him with a shy smile.

"Are you sure you're ready to give up your whole life to get back at Shepherd's radar?" Hesh asked me.

"I am." I answered him very quickly.

Hesh gave me a smile- "You're not. You never really will be. He's your father no matter what."

"How can you say that, he's not my father!" I yelled at Hesh very annoyed.

"Maely, sometimes you gotta accept the fact that nothing will ever go back to how they used to be and that's the harsh reality of you." Hesh said.

His words were so and so true that I was very offended.

"No. The thing that bothers me the most is that I know very well, that I will never receive a forgiveness from him...because inside his filthy head, he thinks and will continue to think that it's okay everything he does and continues to do. So he's not-he's not my father." I repeated.

"And a forgiveness is what you need to stop thinking about revenge? A simple forgiveness?" Hesh asked me.


"Oh come on! You're joking aren't you? It's not a joke?" Hesh said almost yelling at me in a disappointed voice.

"No! Why?!"

"Maely! You'll throw your whole life away just because you need to hear the word 'sorry' come out of Shepherd's mouth so you can sleep peacefully forever?! Are you serious?! You are aware of how stupid that is, right?" Hesh said judging me with his gaze.

"Oh yeah?! Well, then why would you throw your life away for him? Explain to me because surely your reason is extremely important?" I said sarcastically.

"I will do it because someone must be the hero. I'm not doing it for revenge but for justice. More than thousands or millions of people have died even innocent children because of your father's sick anarchy and compulsive obsession with power....so my reason for throwing my life away is relatively acceptable to it being simply for a pardon that will never be real." Hesh said.

I stood quietly looking into his eyes. As much as I hated to accept it...he was right. His reason was very true...that's why he swore, it wasn't out of revenge or wanting to hear a forgiveness...but out of wanting to change and protect the world.

"You always want to be the hero of the story." I said with a chuckle.

"Someone has to be."

"So it has to be you?" I asked him.

Hesh fell silent and looked at the sky- "It must be me."

"You don't have to, it's not a duty. It's a choice..." I told him.

Hesh started to laugh but then we both fell silent looking at the sky. It was already beginning to set...the sky was showing the true colors of beautiful natural art.

"Are we gonna find true happiness? Even if it is in the future..." I asked Hesh without looking away from the sky.

"Maybe...but actually, I do believe that true happiness is when we're happy with ourselves. Maybe, you need to learn from the life lesson that was disguised in trauma to learn and grow or even mature...because you will never be the same you as before, but a better version. But first you must forgive yourself, prioritize yourself and love yourself in order for you to find true happiness." Hesh Said.

"Maybe...yes or maybe no." I said.


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