"You don't know me"

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"How do you know that?"

Now it's time to be very careful with what I say to him...I look at him straight in the eyes....

"I've been investigating Shepherd for years, I know all about him." I told him as I lowered my gaze to the papers again.

He was still looking at me intensely but he wasn't saying anything.

"What are their names?"

I looked at him again-"who?"

"The kids."

Damn it.
"Nohan Wesley Shepherd and M- M..." I stopped talking...I'm already fucked.

"I knew it." Ghost got up from the table in a fury and stormed out of the room.

Okay? What just happened.
I went after him to see what the fuck was going on...

"Ghost?" I asked trying to get his attention but he kept walking without looking back.

"Riley?! Hey!"

Then he walked into the meeting room. Inside the room were my teammates, Riley's teammates , Laswell, Price and Merrick.

"She's Shepherd's daughter?!" Ghost literally yelled as he entered the meeting room.

I quickly looked at Merrick and he looked at me like 'are you serious?!' Like I said...I'm screwed.

Price and the entire Task Force and Coalition looked at me....Laswell stepped forward- "yes, she's Shepherd's daughter, but, she's on our side. She's our ally, there's nothing to worry about or is there a problem, Charlie?" Laswell looked at me.

Everyone was looking at me...I was under a lot of pressure, I hate this...I hate that people around me know who I am...they see me at my weakest point...I hate being weak...I hate to show that I am defeated.

Only my unit and Laswell know who I really am. Even my own father doesn't know who is behind the mask of 'Charlie' he thinks I'm dead because that's how he wants his whole family to be.


"No, Laswell. I am an ally, always." I said.

"How can we be sure they are our allies especially her?" I heard a man ask, he was quite strong, he had his hair quite strange, on his vest he had the emblems of Task Force 141 and SAS....

"Soap, the Ghosts have always been our only allies, besides Coalition." Laswell told them.

So his name is 'Soap'....what the fuck?

"We need to see their faces. That way we know they really are our allies and we can trust them." This time one more soldier said...he was blond and had a beard...he was standing next to Farah.

"Excuse me?! I think we've proven our loyalty from the minute we stepped on your base! We were supposed to stay under the radar for a few more years! We are at risk! And you think we're enemies?! Fuck this, I'm leaving" Logan said, he was very upset.

He started walking to leave...but Hesh stopped him- "bro! Calm down!"

"Fuck them, I don't need their help, they're the ones who need our help. Fuck them. I'm supposed to be mourning and taking time off and look where I am, just to prove my loyalty!"

He's right...Logan and Hesh lost their father no more than 2 months ago...they were supposed to be taking some time together and time off the radar...and look where they are...proving their loyalties.

"We're all grieving for someone, those are no excuses." Ghost said.

This man likes to play with the devil himself.
"Exactly, so fuck off." I told him I went to turn around to leave, fuck it all. I'm not doing anything else, I'm going home and stick to the plan of staying under the radar until I'm called.

"You are no one to contribute to this. You are part of the problem your father has caused, Maely Shepherd." Ghost Said.

Maely Shepherd...
my patience is gone.

"Whatever my father has done to you, I am not the least bit to blame for that. Me and my father are not related and NEVER will be. I have lost precious people too! I know your whole unit lost Melina Gates and I am so sorry for that! But me?! I LOST ALL MY FAMILY, MY BEST FRIENDS, MY DIGNITY, MY SOUL, MY LOVE AND EVEN MY VOICE! I HAVE LOST EVERYTHING!!! so don't say I'm nobody to contribute, you don't know me and you better shut up or you'll really know who Charlie really is."

I threw the papers in Ghost's face and kept walking.

I walked outside the building, lifted my mask up to my nose and lit a cigarette. "I thought you quit smoking" I heard Hesh's voice.

I turned my face as I exhaled the smoke-"me too."

Hesh took the cigarette out of my hand and threw it on the ground.
"Are you serious?!" I said a little annoyed.

"You're too pretty to be smoking."

We just stared at each other for a few minutes....
Why does my heart pound every time he says things like that?

"Maely, can we talk?"

I turned my head and it was Ghost.
Unbelievable I can't go a single second without being stressed out thanks to him.

"No thanks." I turned around and kept walking leaving Hesh and Ghost.

Fuck it all.

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