"This is over"

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Simon's Pov:

"Listen, this is what will happen....Melina will stay because we need her, for the incoming missions. The Ghosts right now are not many and we depend on them. Melina, quickly we finish all our missions, you will go on trial for what you did and I left in the hands of Kate Laswell and justice your fate. I'm tired of having to fix your shit. Since this is a democracy, I want us to vote... hands up for those who agree with the decision." Price said.

Farah was the first to raise her hand, then Soap, Gaz, Alex and me. We all voted against her...it was wrong what she did, I never thought her damn jealousy would go that far.

"Alright... Melina go to the hospital wing because you look like shit." Price told her without looking at her.

We all started to leave until Melina grabbed my hand stopping me- "Will you come with me?"

I turned around and took my hand out of hers- "why did you do it?"

"Because I hate her."

"You ended your career and your reputation...you know that right?" I said.

"I know they'll try to screw me in court, but I have a good lawyer." Melina said.

Her face was full of blood and huge bruises. She had been smashed.

"Melina...I don't-"

"Shh...don't think about it." Melina said to me.

Is she crazy?!

"You're not the Melina you used to be, I can't keep defending and supporting you, Mel. I'm sorry." I told her.

"W-what? Why? Because of Maely?!" Melina yelled at me.

"Not just because of her. But look at you-look what you just did. You're bad, Melina. Besides you come back now wanting everything to be like before...I already had a life made...and you came-"

"I came back and you chose me. So why the doubt now?" Melina asked me.

"I never chose you. I was in doubt about why you lied to me, I tried to ask you all this time...but you-you evaded my questions. Well, I've had enough, I'm not after you anymore, Melina, not anymore." I said.

"I did it for the mission. I was told that after that I could come back, so here I am. I'm sorry for the pain you felt, I know it was wrong...but- it's our duty, you know that very well. Especially you." Melina said making me open my eyes.

"Especially me? What do you mean? Ah?!"

"Well-all your suffering-"

"Shut up. I can't believe this. Not from you but look...you've gone crazy. I feel sorry for you, Melina. I had plans with you, plans to build our life and family together...before all this. But you-you took my soul with you into that grave...which turned out to be me alone."

"Forgive me Simon, you know I never stopped loving you, I'm human and I make mistakes. Why-why are you doing this?!"

"Because I'm tired! Tired of you!" I shouted at her.
Melina opened her eyes and was quiet while she tried to process what I had just told her.

"Simon- no, you love me-" Melina moved closer to me and put her hand on my chest but I took a step back.

"I loved you. Not anymore." I told her.

"Because of her?! Why her?! Because she's perfect?! Because she's a ghost just like you? Because she's young and beautiful?!"

"You and her are almost the same age, what the fuck are you talking about?!" I asked her putting my hand on my head.

"WHY HER?!" Melina yelled at me again.

"BECAUSE I LOVE HER! SHE- SHE'S THE KIND OF PERSON THAT TAKES YOUR WHOLE HEART AND CARRIES IT AWAY...NO MATTER HOW FAR AWAY SHE IS, YOUR HEART WILL STAY WITH HER LIKE A FANATIC. Her smile takes away all my stress and suffering...whenever she smiles for me...it's like being an innocent child again. I'd do anything to hold her hand one more time....and the funny thing is- I wasn't looking for anyone...until she appeared in my life....my future love. Now I get it all, it's her and it will always be her, Melina. I'm sorry."

Melina had her eyes full of tears...I felt so sorry for her...but that's how I feel. I can't cheat on her and cheat on me too.

"You're just- you're just confused." Melina said to me.

"No-I'm not. You are." I told her.

"I'm not letting you go back to her, you and I are endgame." Melina walked over to me.

"We were."

"Don't do this to me...don't unlove me. I'm still here." Melina hugged me.

"Melina, you were the most important person in my life, I loved you. I still do but in another way...because you helped me when no one did. I still remember the feeling I felt when I first started talking to you...you hypnotized me...but after your death...one day I woke up and I didn't think of you. I stopped thinking about how you made me feel, I stopped feeling guilt, I stopped thinking about you every day, I stopped crying for you...I stopped loving you. Until one day, your name stopped making me smile." I told her without hugging her back.

She kept crying into my chest while she kept crying and hugging me.

"I still love you...Simon, please..." Melina said.

I closed my eyes and breathed-"I'm sorry." I put my hands on her shoulders and started to pull her off of me.

"This is over. You and I...we no longer exist."

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