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{As y'all requested! THE STORY CONTINUES 🤍}

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I was so upset that I decided to start unpacking instead of working. Fuck it all. Who does he think he is?! DONT GET MY HOPES UP!? WHAT THE FUCK?!

Ugh I can't stand him. I just wanted to start working and that's it. I'm literally going to fight him.

I was walking to my new room, I'll have a roommate named Farah Karim from Task Force, I hope she's not like fucking Riley.

I knocked on the door...out of politeness.
"Oh- hello! Come in!" the door opened and this beautiful Arab woman appeared.

I gave her a smile, I stood at the entrance of the room as Farah closed the door.

"Your bed would be- the one downstairs." Farah told me but she was looking at the bed..kinda weird.

I gave her a shy smile and put my stuff on top of the bed- "thank you." I said.

Farah gave me a smile and sat on the upstairs bed.

I started to unpack silently avoiding contact with Farah...I have- I have trouble talking to strangers...I know it sounds impossible because I acted one way or even have to do it out of obligation...but I suffer- I suffer from anxiety attacks and social anxiety and even problems connecting with other people.

I have no friends or best friends outside of my work space or my unit. I have no family , no romantic partner and no children. I have nothing outside of my unit.

I am a lonely person.

"Why is your code name 'Charlie'?" Farah asked me.

I have to be careful with my personal information...don't blame me, that's how I was trained.

"I didn't really choose it...when I entered the Ghosts unit I was given the code name. It's better to have a male code name than a female one." I replied.


"Because if the enemy leaks into our conversations they will never know that I am a woman and that there is a woman in my unit. Everyone thinks there are only men in Ghosts unit...until they see us." I told her without stopping to unpack.

"Everything is very tactical and professional with your unit. I admire your unit a lot."

I gave her a smile-"thank you."

Farah smiled back at me as well....
"Is Simon Riley really a jerk?" I asked putting down what I was holding in my hands to look at Farah.

Farah rolled her eyes and laughed- "at first he's quite of a jerk, but- but he really is an amazing person. Just right now- he's having a hard time." Farah said.

A bad time...I shouldn't get into it because it's none of my business...but here I go.....

"Broken heart?" I asked.

"Something like that..."

"Death?" I asked again.


"I get it...we all go through the same thing...we are meant to be train wrecks full of negative emotions and more so in our job role."

"That was kinda cold but it's real." Farah told me.

Kinda cold...it's not even half of it....
"I'm sorry, I'm used to being like that." I apologized.

"You went through that too?"
That question made me stay thoughtful for a few seconds. I hate my fucking life, girl...

"Unfortunately something like that."

"Oh...I'm sorry." Farah said.

I looked at her and her face was sad as she looked at my bed- "Melina Gates used to sleep here, right?" I asked her.

Her eyes looked at me with surprise- "uh...yeah."

I grabbed my things and started moving them to the other bed available.

"What-what are you doing?"

"Moving my stuff for the other bed." I said with a smile.

"Why? That bed was Mara's."

"Because it feels weird sleeping in Gates' bed, everyone misses her and I don't want them to feel like we're replacing her that fast...or something...so...I'll sleep in Mara's... I had the opportunity to meet her, I know she won't mind."

Exactly...yes I got to know Mara and Roach...I feel so bad for Rodrigo...he lost his mother and Roach...he lost his love....

I understand that feeling...

*knock knock *
"I'll go." I said to Farah so she didn't have to get off her bed.

I walked to the door and opened it- "yeah-"
It was Ghost Riley...

"What do you want?" I asked in an irritated voice.

"Come with me."

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