" jealous?"

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Simon, Farah, Alex and I were on the plane on our way back to our base. We were all very tired so at least Farah and I slept through the whole trip.

Simon and I were back with our masks 24/7. I know I fell asleep and my head is most likely on top of Simon right now...poor thing.

"Maely...hey, we're here." Simon said gently lifting me up.

I opened my eyes and just as I thought, I had fallen asleep on top of Simon. I got up and grabbed my rifle along with my bags.

"Thank you." I said with a smile.

"For?" Simon asked me.

"For being my pillow."

"Always" Simon said to me as he also took his bags.

We all stood around waiting for them to open the plane's hatches so we could get out. The hatch alarm started to sound and the hatch started to open.

We got out and there was almost everyone waiting for us- "MAELY" the guys had a damn poster with my name on it in pink and a lot of glitter.

When I saw that I started to laugh- "what? WHAT IS THAT?!" I asked them laughing.

Hesh together with the others started running towards me, Hesh took me in his arms and spun me around like 3 times while hugging me.

"Dude- let go it's my turn!" Logan said to Hesh.

"Fuck off." Hesh replied by pulling me away from Logan.

"Okay guys, no fighting! Thanks for this!" I said to them all as I laughed. I missed being together with all of them.

I missed them so much.

I noticed Task Force was welcoming Farah, Alex and Simon back. I looked over to Simon and he was looking at me...but his look wasn't happy at all.

I looked to my side and Hesh had his arm around my waist...I've never found anything weird or uncomfortable about Hesh wrapping his arm around me but now for some damn reason it did make me uncomfortable.

"Give me that." Keegan grabbed my bags from my back.

"You must be hungry, come on." Neptune said as well. So literally the guys dragged me with them, not even giving me time to be able to get close to Task Force.

We walked into the dining room and started ordering our food, we sat at one table all as usual. Hesh was sitting on my left side while on my right side was Logan, across from me Keegan, on his left side was Neptune and on his right side was Kick.

"Hey- where's Merrick?" I asked the guys while I brought the fork full of food towards my mouth.

"He's in a meeting with Price and Laswell." Keegan answered me.


"Yesss! Like-" Logan gave me a light smack where Simon had marked his name on me, I had all that stuff there swollen and it was a little inflamed so it hurt.

"Ouch!" I said almost crying from the pain.

"Are you-are you okay?" Logan asked me very concerned, everyone at the table looked at me worriedly.

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