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It was already 3am and basically everyone had already gone to bed...but I couldn't and I didn't want to disturb Hesh...so I kept going over and over the plan.

I put my hands on top of the table where the map was and leaned against it without taking my eyes off the map.

"You should go to sleep" Simon's voice made me jump a little. I might be a ghost and be very quiet and have my almost inhuman reflexes but Simon always finds a way to beat me.

"And you should be sleeping." I said with a smile.

"I can't" Simon said as he walked over.

I gave him a smile- "apparently we're in the same boat."

"Indeed" Simon replied.
We were both quiet for a good few minutes...as I went back to focusing on the map.

"Maely, I want you to know- you're not alone. If you need to talk about what happened in your encounter with Shepherd, you can talk to me. I'm not forcing you and I don't want you to feel pressured. You know I love you and I will always be here." Simon said to me in his deep voice.

"I know, thank you. I love you very much too." I replied. I know I should talk to someone about what happened...but I don't feel like I have the courage to talk about it.

"Come with me" Simon took my right hand and led me with him.

We walked down the halls until we reached his room. As we entered I gave him a smile while I took off my mask...Simon did the same...now that we were both looking at each other without masks or prejudice...I walked up to him and ran my left hand through his hair as I looked into his eyes.....

Simon rested his eyes on my lips while he brought his left hand around my waist.

Simon leaned down until he reached me and we began to kiss without pressure or trouble...we just flowed as we connected.

Simon put his hand under my shirt...then slowly undid my bra with great ease. My bra fell to the floor and my boobs stayed under my shirt, Simon pushed me against the wall and started kissing my neck while I let out moans of pleasure.

Simon took off my shirt and threw it on the floor, I grabbed the edge of his black hoodie and pulled it up for him to take it off. Simon took off his hoodie...underneath his hoodie he was wearing absolutely nothing but his bare abdomen along with his dogtags.

I ran my hand down his abs slowly and listened as Simon's breathing increased...while he bite his lips delicately while looking at me....

Then I moved my hand down to the zipper of Ghost's pants...Simon gave me a smile as he looked at me with his head down....

"What do you want, pretty girl?" Simon said to me in his deep voice.

I looked him in the eyes- "you know what I want, pretty boy" I said with a smile while I pulled his pants off gently leaving him in his black boxers.

Simon bit his lips again with a smile- "you're playing with fire, darling....you're going to get burn."

"Then burn me." I replied gently getting up as I looked up into his eyes.

Simon took me in his arms and carried me to his bed where he laid me down. I got up gently leaning on my elbows to look at him...Simon was standing between my legs which were hanging off the edge of the bed...Simon was looking down on me with his evil and lustful gaze....

"You're so pretty and it hurts..." Simon said to me, he started kissing me while we were feeling each other up. Simon got rid of my pants and my underwear, eager to get a look at me, to get a taste of my sweet spot.

"Wait...you are still very dressed up, don't you think?" I told him...Simon stood in front of me again letting me position myself so I could easily remove his boxers.

I took Simon's black boxer off...but I stayed staring at his dick for a quick second still surprised of how long is it after all this time. Simon pushed me and penetrates me without warning making it seem like he was waiting for this for years, like if he was deprived of it.

Of course I felt like my insides were being ripped apart, but just for a second because right after that pain the pleasure made its entrance. Simon thrusted into me making me make such loud sounds then Simon covered my mouth with his right hand without stopping his movements.

"Shhh...don't wake Soap. His room is next door" Simon said to me as I felt his breath brush against my ear.

you could notice that i was enjoying it as much as him even tho I could tell very little from him...noting that he was just letting out grunts, those grunts that makes me shiver, that makes me feel so hot and needy for his dick, his rough touch. Simon was fucking me like if this was the last time that he would get to, he was grabbing my waist hard enough to leave a bruise but it felt very good...pain has always been something very present in my life...but the pain he caused in me...was very strong and full of passion.

I didn't care about the bruise that he would and will leave on my pale skin, my thoughts were replaced by pleasure with all the thrust I was getting.

Then I noticed that Simon and I...we were covered in a thin layer of sweat like if we were in a workout session. After this long moment of pure bliss and pleasure, we both reached our climax.

Now after all that...we were in the bed, laying down in silence, in comfortable silence just enjoying each other's presence. Simon was playing with my hair while I was lying on his chest...listening to his breathing and his beautiful heart.

"You no longer have Melina's dogtags...why?" I told him since I had noticed that he only had his own dogtags.

"Melina will always be important to me...but - I had to let her go. So I gave her back her dogtags. Why?" Simon said.

"I was just asking." I told him again. "And how do you feel? After accepting that she really was alive during all this time?"

"Well... at first it was bloody strong. I feel betrayed and I felt that she just used me. But with time I understood why she did it and I also accepted that I didn't really love her...but...that I adored her and yes I was happy that she was alive but...after all that time...I understood that I really loved you and only you."

"Awww don't get cheesy now" I told him with a smile.

"I am deadly serious" Simon said with a smirk.

"Of course you are, LT"

"I really love you, when this is all over...I'm going to commit you. I promise." Simon said taking my hand.

"Commit me? Or propose to me?" I asked him with a smirk.

"It's the same thing." Simon said rolling his eyes with a smile.

"Question, don't you find it difficult to understand our American English?"

"Sometimes it's a bit confusing but I've learned over the years." Simon told me.

"It's just that sometimes even though you have your British accent you use the American language, it's very rare that I've been confused by something you say to me."

"I know, whenever I talk to you or someone who I know doesn't know any British English I try to assimilate with their American language. That's why when I talk to you , you always understand me, although sometimes you confuse me."

My heart started pounding and jumping a little. He was trying to speak and use my English so I wouldn't get confused...I love this damn British man.

"I fucking love you, Ghostie."

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