"Hey, its me again"

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6 months later:

"Agh, you hit him again." Mr. Hawling's son said lowering his rifle.

I got up off the ground and started walking to the deer I had hunted.

"Because it's not about the shot or the silence. You have to know instinct and connect with nature." I told him as I reached across my rifle to kneel down.

"Instinct and connecting with nature? What are you, environmentalist? I thought you were military?" Mr. Hawling's son said.

"Son, learn from her. She's been hunting all her life from animals to humans." Mr. Hawling told him.

Mr. Hawling is the man who has been taking care of Merrick's farm and Elias' farm with the help of his son and several other men. Elias used to told me that Hawling was a war veteran...that's why he was so close to Merrick and Elias.

"It's easy to hunt, when you've been practicing comfortably all your life." Hawling's son said.

I stood up and walked over to where he was- "Comfortably? Don't make me talk. You don't know what you're talking about. You better shut up or I'll shut you up." I said putting my hands all full of deer blood on his face.

"That's the same way I want to see you, quiet. What a fine son you have , Hawling." I said to Mr. Hawling with a smile as I looked at his son.

"Forgive him, Charlie. He's still very stupid-"

"No, don't worry, Mr. Hawling. We all start out this stupid, we're all human."

"Exactly, that's why I want you to train him, make a man out of him." Mr. Hawling said to me.

I put my hands on my waist and looked up- " no...I'm sorry Mr. Hawling...I don't train anyone."

"Come on-"

"Call Hesh. He can help you." Then I whistled to call my horse.

"Charlie, you're very good, you're very talented-" Mr. Hawling said.

Then I got on my horse- "Hawling, call Hesh." With that I turned the horse around and started toward the house.

Upon arrival, I led 'Bear' to his stall along with the other horses. I made sure to close the stall doors and went inside the house.

I took a nice bath, reheated a meal Hawling's wife had left in the fridge and sat on the couch watching a movie while I ate in silence.

All my nights are the same, full of solitude and silence. My days too, I feed the animals, keep the farm in order, run the accounts, pay the employees, hunt and repeat.

I got up because the sun was beating down on my face, I had fallen asleep in the living room. I took a nice bath and got dressed.

When I came out I saw that Hawling, his son and the employees were already working. I had grocery shopping to do so I grabbed the keys to the Dodge RAM TRX , which was really Merrick's...which is now mine. I drove along the green roads until I got to town. It has always been a small town of few people, we are not a city...we are a very small town made up of farms.

As I went through the aisles of the supermarket and grabbed what I needed...I watched the people while they lived in their own worlds without any problems...it was like if they didn't care about anything...God's favorites, I guess.

"Charlie? Charlie Callahan?" I heard a lady call out to me from behind my back.

As I turned around I saw this lady and gentleman looking at me with a huge smile-"yes?" I asked confused.

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