"Man down"

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For the past few weeks I have been focused on my recovery. According to the doctor I can now return to my normal activities and I can go back to work.

König and everyone in my unit have been accompanying me throughout this recovery. Soap, Farah and Gaz have also been visiting me...Hesh nor any of the guys in my unit have not let Simon or Melina near me or my room...I understand why they do that...and I won't fight about it.

I was getting ready to leave and report to the meeting room. Laswell, Price and Merrick had to get to the Kortac base as the higher ups added KorTac to our mission.

We were now 3 units.

I put on my mask on and helmet and left the room. I walked down the halls until I reached the meeting room.

"Oh! Welcome back, Charlie!" Laswell said with a smile as she saw me enter.

Everyone was sitting around waiting for their orders. So it was a little weird to see them all looking at me.

"Thank you, Laswell." I replied.

"Are you all right? Are you sure?" Price this time asked me with a lot of concern.

"Yes, I'm ready to go back." I replied.
Then they nodded in agreement and I sat down right next to Hesh and Keegan.

"Alright...back to the mission. We need to get into that base and find the computers with all the shadow company information. The mission will be logged as "The Raid" the Blackhawks leave at 7pm. Get ready." Laswell said.

All right we're back in action.

/ /

I was just finishing getting ready when I heard someone enter the weapons room.

"Can we have a word, please?" It was Simon.

I turned around- "What do you want to talk about? There's nothing to talk about. We are nothing and you made that very clear." I replied while I finished readying my weapons.

"I said we were still nothing. Did you read the letter?" he asked.

"Which letter? The one that says 'to his future love' why would I read it?! Melina wrote it, it's very obvious. Besides you chose her, not your future love." I said.

"I just said I needed time to think."

"Think about which one you were going to pick....Like I said, I'm not a second plate or you'd pick me without thinking or just nothing. I know how much I'm worth and I know I'm worth a lot more than her, but you're not ready to have someone like me, Ghost."

"Simon" he said to me.

"Ghost. Because Simon ended up being all a liar who all he did was use me to cover his pain because sweet Melina was supposedly dead. You never loved me so don't keep getting in my way."

"I never loved you?! Yes I did and I still do! Don't say I used you because that never! I'd rather let a person go than use them! And I never let you go why?! Because I never used you! My feelings and everything I said to you was real!" Simon yelled at me.

"Okay, were they real? Maybe. But the question is, when you were telling me that you love me and looking at me who did you see in me? Melina or me?" I asked as I crossed my arms.

Simon looked at me...and was silent like he didn't know what to say. With that he answered me everything. His silence spoke more answers than his words.

"You're a fucking bastard." I said with a short laugh as I rolled my eyes.

"Charlie, bist du okay? (Charlie, are you okay?)" König asked me while he walked over to me and stared at Simon.

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