"Let me help you"

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After I opened up without any explanation and told ghost what happened in Russia and what happened to me...I didn't dare to look him in the eyes...for me it's something very embarrassing...I was raped.

"I am so sorry...what happened to you..." Ghost said.

I without looking at him...I felt little tingles all over my stomach...what the fuck is happening to me?!

"Don't worry."

"We should keep walking." Ghost said.

I nodded my head in agreement as I looked at my watch...it was 6:55am, the sun was going to start coming up soon.

Ghost and I kept walking very carefully without letting our guard down. All we could hear were our footsteps, the animals, the wind and...water!

We looked down and we were standing on a rock, below us was a river flowing by.

I looked at Ghost- "water! Water!!!" I said grabbing his arm.

We started to go down, we were thirsty...very thirsty.

Then suddenly 2 people appeared out of nowhere, enemies.

Ghost with the stock of his rifle started to hit the enemy while I with my rifle also hit the other enemy. I went to take out my knife when the man hit me in my stomach leaving me without air, I cringed in pain....

Fuck it- I got back up even though the pain exploded all over my body, I grabbed the knife and slashed it into his jugular.

"Be careful-" ghost shouted as he ran towards me. At that same moment another enemy came out from my left and pushed me...we both fell from the rock into the river.

We fell into the water and I felt myself sinking...the damn river was very deep. I swam to the surface again, took in as much air as possible.

The enemy grabbed me by the foot and started sinking me again, I didn't have my knife to defend myself.

But I did have my other ankle knife. While we were beating each other while trying not to drown, while also the water was dragging us....

The fucker grabbed me by the back of the neck and pulled me under the water again, making me swallow a lot of water....

I won't die that easy.

I took the knife from my ankle and with all the strength in the world I thrust it into his hand and then into his throat.

I saw that ghost come down from the rocks running to the shore, I started to swim to the shore...the water was very cold and there was a lot of wind....

My clothes were all soaked...my body was shivering...I was very cold.

"Are you okay?!" Ghost pulled me to where he was out of the water.

"I'm-I'm so cold." I said as I tried to stop shivering.

The sky was getting lighter.

"Come on! Come!" We walked to a spot where there were no rocks on the ground.

We sat down but I was lying on Ghost's chest while he hugged me and tried to make me go warm again.

I didn't die of drowning but I will die of hypothermia, this is great, don't you think?

"It's not working." Ghost said but I could hear he was very worried.

I gave him a smile- "I guess we'll have to be naked for this one." I told him in a joking manner.

"If you wanted to see me naked you could had tell me." He responded with a laugh.

I-oop...I-it's not what it looks like, okayyy?!
My heart started pounding.

"I- no- no-" I tried to say something.

"Come on-take off your clothes." He said to me as he stood up.

He took off his boots and then his pants...he was now in boxers...I could see his well worked legs, then he started to take off all his torso gear making him look a little slimmer in the waist...he had a very slutty waist.

Fun fact...I'm all slutty waist men's slave. Fuck.

He took off his uniform and I could see his whole semi naked body...he had some nicely worked abs, he had two dogsplates on his neck....

He was a fucking Greek God...oh my god. What is happening to me?

"You can either stare or you can freeze to death." He said making me look him in the face again...yeah...I wasn't looking him in the face...don't judge me, you would have done the same thing.

"Oh- yeah! Sure." I stood up and started to take off my boots. Then my pants staying in my underwear. Ghost was staring at me....

I've never had a problem getting naked in front of a man...because I know I'm in control...but he- his stare was making me nervous...unsure of myself...he's a man...wow.

I took off my gear...now I felt lighter...then I started to take off my uniform but I needed help...I was very cold and my hands were very frozen.

"Let me help you..." I felt ghost's hands touch my ribs and lift my uniform gently...my heart started skipping beats.....

He was very close to me and I was very close to him. Then he took off my uniform leaving me completely half naked with only my underwear on.....

He looked down...and looked first at my eyes and then at my breasts.....

"You can either stare at me or you can let me freeze to death." I told him a little flirtatiously.

He didn't say anything...he just lay down on top of the clothes so he wouldn't get dirt on himself...he took my hand and led me over to where he was.

I lay down next to him but on my back...I felt his dick rubbing against my ass...it must be huge...I just know it.

His hands embraced me and protected me with his whole body...I felt his hotness pass into me.....

"Are you feeling better?" he asked in my ear....
His soft and low voice in my ear...makes me feel things right now...my girlyfriend down there is throbbing.....

"Y-yes" I said trying to calm down.

"I like your tattoo...you look really sexy with it."

I have lots and lots of tattoos...but I knew which one he was referring to...my biggest tattoo...it runs all the way down my abdomen, between my breasts, both sides of my ribs and all the way down to my hip.

"You think?" I asked...

At this point we are both getting warm...but not the good warmth...but more like the heat.....

I could feel Ghost's dick slowly rise up and fight against my ass...and I could feel my underwear getting wetter than they already were....

I moved my ass a little against Ghost's dick....

"What are you looking for?" he asked me lightly as he grabbed my hips and move them a little.

"You know what I'm looking for."

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(Maely's tattoo👇🏼)

(Maely's tattoo👇🏼)

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