"We're coming for you"

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{FANART credits to: Ave661.tumblr.com }

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After Simon received the emergency call from Soap informing him that Hesh and Logan had been seriously wounded in combat, I packed up all my uniforms and personal gear, Simon, Melina and Gaz returned with me to base.

"Keegan! I'm here!" I ran over to Keegan who was leaning against the wall of the hospital corridor along with Kick and Neptune.

When he saw me he stood up straight and opened his arms to give me a hug. I laid my head on his chest...he had pretty red eyes...maybe he's been crying or it's lack of sleep....o maybe both.

"What-what happened? How are they?" I asked.

"We were on a mission, everything was going well until-when several enemy troops arrived. We weren't supposed to have that problem. It was an abandoned base. But- it was like they already knew we were coming." Keegan said as he looked at all of us.

We were all listening to Keegan talk...behind me was Task Force 141.

"Commander Keegan Russ?" The doctor asked.

"Yes?" Keegan asked him.

"I have the Walker brothers' diagnosis." The doctor told him.

"Okay, you can say it in front of everyone." Keegan told him.

"Okay. Logan Walker, he has simple cuts which will leave scars anyway, the head trauma didn't affect him at all and he had 2 broken ribs. He'll be fine." The doctor said turning the page of his records.

I am more relieved to know that Logan will be fine.

"David Walker, he is not in a coma...but he is not responding to treatments or medications. The cause? Well, we don't know. He has a fractured right arm and right leg. He had 4 broken ribs and several bullet impacts, which have been removed. What worries us is his refusal of medications and treatments. We will be doing everything we can to wake him up...do any of you have any contact with his family members? I need to know if he is suffering from anything that is not in his file." The doctor asked us.

"No-they don't have any more family...just us." Keegan said.

That's right...they only had Elias who was their father...and Merrick.

"Logan when he was little suffered from hypoglycemia, at 17 he stopped suffering from it. Hesh, he never suffered from anything...never. Their mom, though, passed away several years ago from cancer...I don't know if that helps at all." I told the doctor as I tried to hold back tears.

I felt this huge fear creep in from my back and consume me...what if he doesn't wake up? Why his body is rejecting the medications? I can't lose him.

Simon put his hand on my shoulder and started trying to comfort me.

"Your name?" The doctor asked me.

"First Lieutenant-" I was saying but Keegan interrupted me.

"Actually, it's Captain Maely Callahan." Keegan replied. The doctor wrote my name down on the list of family members.

"Thank you very much, Captain Callahan. I'll be letting you know of any changes." The doctor made his salute toward me and Keegan and turned away from us.

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