"The truth"

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The two helicopters we were in , landed on the large valley we owned at the Merrick and Elias farms. We all started to get out of the helicopter. Mr. Hawling along with a few other men approached.

"Mr. Hawling" I said approaching him.

I was wearing a black performance mask while my hair was loose and exposed.

"Ahh Maely! How are you, is everything okay?" Hawling asked me with a smile.

"It's all good...but- can I speak to your daughter?" I asked.

Mr. Hawling looked at me and looked at everyone standing behind me with a worried look on his face.

"Y-yeah sure, she's at my house." Mr. Hawling said to me as he started walking.

I motioned for everyone to follow us. I walked behind Mr. Hawling until we reached his farm.

"Dad-" Katherine was on the clothesline calling for her father until she saw all of us.

"Katherine," I said to her.
Katherine looked at me worried and confused at the same time.

"Mom, who are they?" A small boy asked her while he shielded himself behind her.

"They are soldiers, Adrien" Katherine replied to the boy giving him a smile. Then Katherine looked back at me....

"Maely...what is the reason for this visit?" she asked me.

"I think we should talk in private" I told her.

/ /

Now we were inside Mr. Hawling's house, Katherine was sitting waiting for me to speak. Hesh, Logan, Kick and Neptune stood outside watching and entertaining Mr. Hawling. While Keegan, Soap, Ghost and I were in the living room with Katherine and Farah, Gaz and Alex were with Adrien.

"Katherine, why didn't you ever tell me I had a nephew?" I asked.

"How-how do you know he's your nephew?" Katherine asked me.

I took a breath- "Katherine, did you know my brother was alive?"

Katherine opened her eyes- "I- no...I didn't know." She said but she was nervous....

"Katherine, you don't have to lie to me. He is right now being guarded by the United States Army. If you don't tell me the truth, he could be facing very huge charges and could even go to prison." I told her.

Katherine took a sigh- "Yes, I did know he was alive...but we stopped our communication 2 or 3 weeks ago."

I looked at Keegan, Ghost and Soap.

"Is it true-is it true that my father blackmailed Nohan?" I asked.

"Yes- your father found out that I was pregnant with Nohan's baby...and threatened Nohan to kill me and our baby if he didn't help him with his macabre plans" Katherine said.

I look at my hands.... I can't believe this...all this time I thought he was dead...it was fake. I can't get over it.

"What else?" I asked.

"Nohan, he never stopped following you and watching your every step. He always kept you in his gaze. It hurt him to see you from afar and not be able to talk to you or hug you...I know he did a lot of bad things...but he had no choice but to do what Shepherd ordered him to do. So-please...don't hate him...his your brother-" Katherine said to me again.

"Why didn't you say anything to me? I could have helped him? And you too!" I said staring at her.

"Nohan said he didn't want to burden you with his problems...since you had your own...he wanted to keep you as far away from your father as possible...even though you never stopped fighting him."

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