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"I can't give you the leave, Callahan your scars are still too fresh. They can get infected or open up." The doctor was telling me.

"Give me the leave, I won't repeat it again." I told him very annoyed.

After Keegan told me that Laswell and Merrick had given the green light for Kick's rescue, I ran to the doctor so I could get my leave letter so I could resume my work.

"Your scar, it can be opened." The doctor said to me again.

"The letter please." I said again.

"Okay." The doctor told me, while the doctor was writing my letter I walked over to a mirror and started to take off my gauze.

As I took it off I could see all the bruises I had on the right side of my face along with the huge freshly made scar. It looked a little ugly but at least it doesn't look that bad, I thought it was going to be worse.

"There you go. Quick you get back you need to came back here so we can get your scar cleaned up again." The doctor said handing me the letter.

"Thank you so much, doc." I said with a smile and then left the room.

Hesh and Logan were waiting for me outside the room- "so?" Logan asked me as he saw me leave.

"Come on." I said showing him the letter.

"YES!" Logan said laughing .

/ /

"-we understand that where Kick is located is an illegal base of the Al-Qatala group, we have no access to communicate with Kick. We must be very cautious, we will be entering the lion's den." Laswell said as Hesh, Logan and I walked into the meeting room.

By now we were all ready. We had our assault uniforms, our gear, masks etc.

"We can activate Task Force so the ghots can have more help." Price said while all his soldiers stood behind him.

"We would be very helpful." Soap said.

"Thanks...but I think it's best we do it ourselves, I don't want to put any more blood on the line." Thomas said.

"Wait- commander you're going?" Keegan asked him.

"Yes, son." Merrick said.

It's been a long time since Merrick stopped participating in our operations physically...ever since Elias was killed by Rorke....

"Alright, however we'll be running all of you from the control room and we'll have task force ready in case of emergency. Good luck, Ghosts." Laswell told us .

I can't lie, I'm quite bothered by the mask fabric over my scar...I feel very uncomfortable. Melina was among her team and looked very fucked up. Her face was bruised, her right eye was very swollen and red, her nose was swollen and she had several scarring cuts. She was more fucked up than I was.

"Let's go!" Merrick ordered us.

We all started to move but I felt someone stop me- "Mae...please be careful." It was Simon.

"Copy that, Ghost." I replied. Simon gently let go of me and I started walking away from him.

/ /

"Kids, remember this is rescue Kick and get out! Nothing more!" Thomas told us over the channel.

We were already flying over the nearest aerial to the Al-Qatala base. Keegan pulled the rope from the Blackhawk and we began to drop one by one after Merrick's signal.

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