"My daughter"

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The next morning, everything was like a damn dream...Simon and I had breakfast together in the kitchen while we kept talking and laughing.

Time felt so fast now. As much as we wanted to keep talking nonstop and spend the whole day doing literally nothing, sadly, we had some work to do....

We had to make contact with Shepherd or something that would lead to our next clue....

Farah and I planned to go for a run to get a closer look at Shepherd's house so that's what we'll do.

Simon was adjusting my body mic wires so he and the guys were able to listen to our conversations in case of emergency and for information.

Simon's hands were touching my abdomen and up to my chest...he was gluing the microphone cable as best he could...but I can't stop thinking about his damn hands touching me.....

"All set." Simon stood up from the chair.

"Okay." I said taking the shirt and putting it on.

Simon and I walked to the door together...I went to open the front door to leave when Simon grabbed me by the wrist.

"Be careful, okay?" Simon said to me.

"I will be...but if I'm in danger will you come?" I asked.

"Without a question."

I couldn't help and give him a smile...Simon grabbed my neck and planted a kiss on my lips....

"Alright soldier, I'll be listening." Simon let go of me and when I turned around he spanked me twice on my butt and went upstairs to the room where all the computers and tactical equipment were.

Good thing he needs to activate my microphone from the computer so the others along with Laswell, Merrick and Price can listen in...

I got out and started running to Farah's meeting point.

I kept running until I saw Farah stretching her legs- "are you ready?" I said as I stood next to her.

"Super ready and you?" Farah asked me laughing.

"Always." I replied with a smile.

We started running and running until we reached the street where Shepherd's house and Farah and Alex's house is.

Farah and I were a little sweaty because we got really serious about pretending and acting like we were really running...Farah was more fatigued than I was...which made us both laugh.

I have more stamina because of the hard and high workouts that Ghosts Unit has to do daily...let's not even talk about that....

We stood in front of shepherd's house and took a few breaths as we slyly looked around the property.

"We don't see anything unusual." Farah said so the guys could hear.

"Absolutely nothing." I said as well.

"Well-we'll keep running and stop by in 1 hour again to see. "Farah said again.

I agreed and as we turned around to start running...the electronic gates to my father's property opened.

We were petrified looking at the gate...the gate opened completely and there was my father....

He was older...but his face was just as familiar as before....

"Oh! Girls- Thank goodness you're still there." Shepherd began to say as he approached us with a friendly smile.

"Sorry I didn't introduce myself and startle you- I'm Hershel Shepherd." My father shook his hand to greet us.

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