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Logan and Hesh took me to the hospital, they quickly began to take care of me. They took x-rays on my head from the big hit I received when I fell on my head, that did hearing tests, x-rays all over my body and took stitches on my face.

I was now sitting on the hospital bed along with Logan and Hesh while we played UNO cards, to kill time.

"Second Lieutenant Callahan, I never thought I'd see you again so quickly." The doctor came in laughing.

I put my cards down and gave him a smile, I could only see out of my left eye, because they needed to put gauze on my right side to cover up my stitches.

"I'll be your VIP patient." I said laughing.

"I see." The doctor said laughing again.

"Well, am I okay, doc?" I asked.

The doctor looked at his papers- "you have no fractures in your head or body. You have no internal bleeding, no broken ribs, your arm is fine, it wasn't dislocated. Your ears are fine, the blood that came out of your ear was caused by the same hit, but you will be fine. But- your face...you'll be fine, you won't lose your eye or your sight, but you'll have a huge scar." The doctor said as he showed us the papers and labs.

"It won't go away? The scar?" I asked.

"No. The knife penetrated your skin quite a bit, but the good thing was that you won't lose your eye." The doctor said again.

I lowered my gaze and remained silent, then Hesh ran his hand down my back comforting me.

"Thank you, doc." Logan said for me.

"You're welcome, anything I'm available." The doctor said as he walked out of the room.

"Are you okay?" Hesh asked me.

"I'll be fine." I said without looking at him.
A damn scar on my face...I've never had one...never, it's always been my body but not my face. It may sound like a stupid thing to say...but- I always tried to take good care of my face for what my mother always said to me when I was more younger.....

At least when I looked at myself in the mirror...I could see my old self...innocent and scar free with stories hidden behind them. A pure face. But....now....not anymore.

"Can I?" The door opened and Price walked in.

"Captain Price." Logan and Hesh did the salute.

"Can I talk to you, Charlie?" Price asked.

"Sure." I said looking at the guys.
Hesh and Logan agreed and walked out of the room.

"How are you?" Price asked me while he took off his hat.

"I'm fine, the doctor told me I'll be fine." I told him.

"I'm so sorry for what Melina did to you. Melina has always been a girl full of anger issues and very spoiled. Her parents raised her very well but she took another course....although she's good, she's a very smart young lady but-sometimes she lets the bad come out. I swear to you as captain, I will take action on her." Price said.

"Don't worry, Price...I understand. I won't press charges against her...because I've never really had anything against her. Yes- yes it made me uncomfortable before, but I'm a completely mature person. I don't want to hurt her anymore so for you and her mother's sake, I won't let her go to prison." I said with a smile trying to comfort him.

Price was worried...he had the look of a worried father disappointed in his daughter. I am a little envious of Melina for that...she has a foster father who cares about her.....

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