"He's gone"

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After our successful mission where Vladimir Makarov was executed just as my father was killed by Ghost. We all went back to our lives.

Quickly we all returned to base after the mission...I was hospitalized for 2 days with not so serious injuries, but...Nohan had arrived at the base hospital with no vitals and 2 bullet wounds in both sides. He was in surgery for more than 6 hours...they managed to recover him but he was induced to coma. He is getting stronger and stronger every day...which is good.

Hesh's funeral happened 4 days after everything...it was a funeral without a body. Just an empty coffin, flowers, lots of soldiers, officers and a huge picture of Hesh without his mask.

Hesh hated pictures where you could see his face completely...so we used a picture where he appeared with his half uncovered and Riley by his side.

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2 months later:

My brother still hasn't woken up from his coma, although he is out of danger now and will be fine...I am still very worried about him...meanwhile Keegan quit and moved to Miami...he always talked about moving to Miami and having a peaceful life being in the heat and the beach, Neptune and Kick also quit...1 month later too, Logan quit and moved into his father's house...Logan has been doing me the favor of taking over Merrick's farm until I fully recover and can come back.

"You know...while I know I have to accept my reality...and accept your decision....I know you could have survived....you were David 'Hesh' Walker....a damn Ghost...but I also know-that it was impossible in the same time...You knew all along that you were going to die...you were prepared to give yourself up to death....and you did it for me. Thank you."

I looked both ways...the cemetery was very quiet. I listened as the branches and birds were all around me. I looked ahead again and read Hesh's headstone again.

David 'Hesh' Walker
July 7, 1995 + March 10, 2023

He will always be remembered as a great son, brother, friend, best friend, loyal comrade and bravely ghost.

.-° °-.

He came from dust and he is back on dust.

I kept reading his tomb over and over again. Trying to understand why it had to be him...why he had to die for everything to work out? Why did he have to leave this earth for me?

I kept repeating all the questions that remained unexplained or unanswered in my head over and over again. I felt like I was going crazy.

"And yes... I do remember the valley ....you know. I wish we could sit and watch the sunset together once more....you and me. I wish I could hold your hand one more time or be able to sleep next to you one more time...feel your arms around me to keep me safe one more time...I wish we had one more time...or a little more time. How- how am I supposed to forget about you? Ah Hesh? How?" I said as I looked at the tombstone.


"I'm scared. I'm afraid to look at me 5 years from now...when I'm already in my 31 years...I'm afraid that I'll have so much left in life...and I'll start to forget what your voice sounded like...or start to forget what your smell was like...or what your hands felt like or just what every feature on your face looked like. I'm afraid to forget about you." My tears began to roll down my cheeks as I lowered my gaze to my hands.

"I never thought your impact on my life would be temporary. I never thought it would all end like this.... me sitting talking and you inside a grave listening to me.... sorry for everything, Hesh. But- also thank you...thank you for showing me that one day can be full of gray clouds and the next day...everything is more beautiful. Thank you for teaching me that I should live. Thank you for showing me how beautiful it is to wake up every morning and see the sun." I said as my tears kept falling but this time....This time I was smiling because inside my mind was Hesh's face giving me a huge warm smile.

I looked to my right side and saw Simon lying in his car...Hesh had been buried next to his mother in the lands of the United Kingdom...just like Elias. They were Americans but they wanted to rest with their mother and wife who was British .... the Walker family...the family who taught me what the true value of the word 'love' , 'respect' and 'humility' was .

I owe my whole life to the Walkers and Merrick.

Simon was looking at me from afar...I gave him a little smile- "Hesh, I understand why you left me with him now. I get your plan....hahahahha and yes...I think he will propose to me..but that will be another story for another time.... I love you so much, Heshy and I always will, my platonic soulmate." With that I gave him a smile and a sweet kiss to the headstone.

I got up and started walking to Simon.

"Are you ready?" Simon asked me while he opened his arms to give me a hug.

"I think so."

We stood there for a few seconds hugging-"are you hungry?" Simon asked me breaking the silence.

"I'm very hungry."

"Come on- I know where to go."

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Reminder: only two more chapters and the bonus chapter to go!

Thanks for always being here and for everyone's great support! I love you all too much!❤️🫶

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