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⚠️This episode is basically based on or created while I was listening to Cardigan- Taylor Swift ❤️

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"Alright...let's go." Melina got up and wiped the dirt off her pants.

I got up along with her and grabbed my shotgun-"you know, there's someone waiting for you at the house." Melina said to me.

"What? How many of you guys came over here?" I asked her.

"Basically me and two other boys. So go. We're staying at Elias Walker's farm." Melina gave me a smile and walked over to Elias' farm.

I listened to her and walked home as fast as I could to see who was inside the house. I opened the door and there he was...standing in front of the fireplace looking at the family photos.

"Ghost." I said, setting the shotgun down on the dining room table.

Simon turned around-"Charlie."

"What are you doing here?" I asked approaching him.

"I came to make the passes with you."

"Why? Why now?" I asked him.

"Because if I don't do it now...when will I do it then?"

I stared at him, still feeling a great anger with him...he was the cause of our estrangement. If he hadn't chosen Melina...and he had chosen me...we would have been fine. But- he didn't...i mean...i don't blame him. Who would want to be with a person like me? A girl who was born with a very bad luck, trained to be one of the coldest and ghostliest killers in the entire United States military. A girl whose family was murdered and a girl whose father is one of the most corrupt, sadistic and psychopathic men who ever lived. Who would want to be with someone like me?

"You're wasting your time, Ghost Riley. You chose the wrong path...once you walk down the wrong path there's no turning back." I said sitting down on the couch.

"I never chose any path. I'm choosing it right now, in front of you. So listen to me-"

"I don't want to listen to you-"

"But you will! If you want I can tie you to a goddamn chair and force you to listen to me. You decide."

"You wouldn't dare." I said.

"Try me." Simon said glaring at me.

"Fuck! All right! Talk to me." I said as I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"First of all, I owe you a huge apology. I know I hurt you by my miscommunication. I made you think what it really wasn't. I never changed you nor would I NEVER change you. I know I am a very difficult person to understand...I know I don't know how to express myself, I know I don't know how to show my love like I am supposed to...I know all of that and I apologize for not being the man you wanted or dreamed of. I apologize for being so foolish, hard headed and just plain blind. I apologize...you are too much for me and maybe it's real what you said...maybe I'm not ready to have you in my life....but I want you with me."

I was silent...looking at him...I went to open my mouth but he interrupted me again-"and no! I'm not done yet! There are so many things I would like to tell you or express to you but- it's hard- just give me a few seconds." Simon said as he looked down at the floor and breathed....

I know it's hard for him.

"I want you by my side. I wanna call you mine so badly, I am so consumed by every little thing you do. You stole my heart a long time ago, if only you knew how I had been feeling about you up to this moment. I would replay our conversations in my head, I would reread our messages to only laugh harder or smile bigger the second time, I would recreate the memories we had already made in my head daily. I've been so obsessed with you and I'm ready to dive in without any regrets. My love for you is as simple as a little school boy crush, but also such a deep and intimate love for you, at the same time. I wanna experience you in every facet, I wanna be with you intimately but also laughing at stupid Americans tv shows. I wanna stay up all night long listening to you tell me all about your awkward middle school and high school days, I wanna know where every scar comes from both physically and mentally. I'm a difficult person, I fucking know...I say sorry too much. I think I'm annoying. If you give me a compliment, I won't believe it. I rarely open up to people, because I am terrified of getting hurt again. I will stalk you in WhatsApp seeing your last seen, to see if you're ignoring me. I overthink things and always think l'm doing something wrong. I apologize for that...I'm insecure."  Simon said taking a huge breath.

I was crying...each one of his sentences...showed me the beautiful human being that was under that mask, under that profile. Such a great man, hard to kill...feared by many people and masses...being truly one of the most sensitive and loving men....

Who was right now in front of me, almost in tears trying to prove to me that it was really me, who he adored. That it was really me that he loved. That made me cry...I was so stupid and selfish...damn...fucking Melina... she knows what she was saying.


"NO- I'm not finished.... Just- give me a moment" Simon interrupted me again making me laugh through my tears.

"You are so special to me, Maely and you don't even know. I hate when you are hard on yourself because you don't deserve that kind of negativity and I know you are so hard on yourself...because I have always been your shadow...You deserve everything good and perfect and sweet and I want to try my best to give that to you. I'm not perfect by any means but I want to be perfect for you AND ONLY YOU. I want to be the best I can for you AND ONLY YOU. I want to help you be the type of person you want. I want to support you as long as you let me...which I hope is until my last breath and sigh....because you're very important to me. I FUCKING LOVE YOU, Maely Charliette Shepherd Callahan....I ONLY LOVE YOU!"

Simon took another huge breath...I got up from the couch and walked over to where he was standing....

"Can I talk now?" I asked him with a smile while my tears fell.

"I want you to remember something, Simon Riley...I want you to know that no matter what comes our way, I will never stop loving you, NEVER. You give me feelings that nobody has ever given me. Feelings of the purest, most genuine happiness that anyone could ever have. I actually don't care how corny I sound, our souls were made for each other and you know it....souls connections....We're supposed to be together. I forgive you my love, a million times I forgive you. I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you...so...Simon Riley.... I LOVE YOU TOO."

Simon took off his mask, grabbed the back of my neck and gently pulled me to his lips. Our lips began to kiss as if they had never kissed before.

My heart was jumping like a little girl.

"I'm so deeply in love with you, darling."

"I love you too, Simon."

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